Got a Dangerous Job

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Jungkook and I were just walking to the gate of our school then someone came to us and said.

Stranger: Hey your Jungkook and Rosé right!?

Me: Yes why?

Stranger: So both of your parents accepted for you both to go in this job it is kind of dangerous but I think you both can survive.

Jungkook: Well what kind of job is it?

Stranger: Being a spy, your gonna do missions and stuff with weapons and disguise. So do you both accept your studying is over you both are old enough to stop studying.

Me: I guess it's a yes for me!

Jungkook: Yes for me too!

Stranger: Ok then now come with me and start your first mission.

The stranger led us to a black car and we drove to a mansion that has high security it has face identification before you could get in the gate.

Stranger: Now follow me we will meet our boss, bt the way my name is Lee Jong Suk and I'm your boss's assintant.

We entered a big door and saw few body guards and then we walked in to a office that is big with a long table and couple of chairs the people there were like rich people and they have their own gadgets.

Jungkook's mom welcomed us and told us to settle down.

Jungkooks Mom: Ok so Jungkook and Rosé here is our spy. There mission is to go to the fancy party of the Kim's. So if you guys wont mind, they need some weapons.

Other People: I am willing to give them this!!!! *and the guy showed a gold watch with buttons on it*

Jungkook's Mom: Ok Rosé and Jungkook you should dress up now its just a tonight is their party. All you need to is gather as much as information you can.

Rosé: Ok mam!

Jungkook: Okayyyyy

Jungkook's Mom led us to the dressing room and we dressed up luxurious and I am wearing a black glittery dress that can show the waves of my body. And Jungkook's clothing is a tux and with the gold watch.

After dressing up Jungkook's Mom gave me a diamond bracelet and told me to push a button on the bracelet to send back up.

Rosé: Woah Mrs. Jeon this is cool!!!

Mrs. Jeon: It makes me hapoy to see you happy. I will also treat you as a daughter. She said in a soft tone.

Jungkook: Mom! I am ready to......get killed. He said jokingly.

Mrs. Jeon: Oh dear I wont let my little bunny die out there by the way we have back ups. Ok now off you both go remember gather lits of information as you can.

We both got is a black lambo and drove of to the party. Jungkook got out of the car and opened the door for me like a gentle man. I wrapped my arms around his right arm and we walked in.

The house is filled with wine and luxurious stuff. Me and Jungkook just acted normal and drank wine. Minutes later a girl called Jungkook and he left me alone but he didnt want to. I walked to the mini bar and sat there then I saw Taehyung walking towards me.

Taehyung: May I buy you a drink?

Me: Sure!

Taehyung slowly slid his hand on my waist and I was feeling uncomfortable. The drink he ordered came and I took a sip, later on I got drunk but im still with Taehyung.

Taehyung: I guess you should rest on my bedroom. Then a smirk appeared on his face.

Me: No I wanna stay here!

Taehyung kept forcing me to stand up and when he managed to make me stand up. He pulled me closer by waist and our lips met his hot lips was meeting my soft lips and he started kissing me harder.

Me: Stoopp!

Taehyung: No I know youre liking it.

Then Jungkook appeared giving Taehyung a death glare.

Jungkook: Didnt you hear her say stop?

Taehyung: Well I guess were too busy making out. He said teasingly.

When both if them were talking I uncontrollably kissed Taehyung and it made Jungkook mad and he called for back up because we cant do the job yet.

Jungkook pulled me out of the house and madly talked to me.

Jungkook: What were you doing?!

Me: Bunny hahahahaah. I said drunkly.

Jungkook: Ugh how could you get seduced such a dummy.

He made me get in the lambo and he punched the steering wheel making the car beep.

Me: Why are you mad?. I poutedly said.

Jungkook didnt answer my question and drove back home. We got in his mother's house and he stomped to his room. I followed him and when I got in and sat on the middle of the bed. Then Jungkook sat infront of me looking worried.

Jungkook: I will always love you no matter what even if you get married to another guy I would still get you,even if I have to fight my bestfriend V. He said while brushing my hair.

After he said that I fell asleep. And I woke up with my head aching. I tried to find Jungkook but there was no sign. I also asked his mom and she had no idea. And I remembered what he said to me before I fell asleep "I would still get you,even if I have to fight my bestfriend V".

I rushed to the house that I visited earlier and saw Taehyung coming out with bloody face and swollen eye. And Jungkook had a bloody hand and cuts all over his face. They didnt stop fighting.

Jungkook: You fucking seduced my girlfriend!!! And you are telling me that she wanted it???

Taehyung: Jungkook please forgive me.

Jungkook: I will forgive you now but if I see you do that again, I will kill you if I have to.

I saw Taehyung fell on the floor and he was so weak I called an ambulance for Taehyung and left with Jungkook fastly. Because if I stay Jungkook will definitely get mad.

Thank you guys for supporting my book sorry I didnt publish this last time I was really busy with school. I hope you guys understand.

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