Chapter 8

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Penelope's POV

    "I'm a werewolf?" I can't understand what was happening. He just turned into a wolf. A freaking wolf! And now he is saying I am a werewolf.
    "You are a werewolf" Storm said, "I'm sorry. Percy kept you doped up on wolfsbane."
    "What does that even mean?" I asked her.
    "Wolfsbane is a dangerous drug that impacts werewolfs, it damages the connection between one's wolf half and human half. Percy would give you just enough, so I couldn't talk to you. He gave it to you in the water, so I was able to talk to you when he forgot to give it to you. I wanted to tell you, but I wasn't strong enough to be able to tell you what happened."
    "I'm sorry, I thought I was going crazy. I didn't know you were suffering."
    "We were both suffering, but we always had each other. As the wolfsbane leaves your system our bond will grow stronger. You should know that as it leaves our system your bond with James will grow stronger."
    "What do you mean?"
    "It has to do with mates. I need to rest. Ask James, you can trust him. I will be here if you need anything." She said before retreating in my mind.
    Looking up I see James pacing looking stressed.
    "Storm is my wolf. Apparently Percy was giving me wolfsbane through my water, so I could only speak with her when he forgot to give me water."
    Without saying anything James stormed out of the room. I did something wrong, and now he is mad at me. I'm trying to stay calm, but I feel extremely guilty for making him upset. I don't know why I feel so guilty, but I feel as though I should chase after him. I slowly try to get off the bed, but pain shoots up my side. As I'm about to stand up I hear a growl.
    "What are you doing? Get back in bed, you're supposed to be resting!" James said as he rushed over to help me get back into bed.
    Before I even realized what I said, I blurted out, "I am so sorry. I won't do it again, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I-" pausing I whispered, "What exactly did I do?"
    "You didn't do anything wrong. I went to call the doctor because wolfsbane can be incredible dangerous." he paused taking a deep breath, "I also had to take a minute to calm down. As your mate it is hard for me to hear that he poisoned you. I know you aren't ready to talk about what happened, but know I am here for when you are ready to talk."
    As soon as he said the word mate I began to blank out. Taking a deep breath I refocused. "What exactly is a mate? Percy said it, then you said it, and Storm said it..." I trailed off when I saw his face.
    "The moon goddess created werewolves, and she created mates. A werewolf's mate is their other half. They are each other's soul mates. They share what is called a mate bond. The sparks you feel when we touch, how you enjoy my smell, and how you already sense my strong emotions that is all because of the mate bond. Most people find their mates when they turn eighteen..."
    "How old are you?"
    "Almost twenty-two."
    My heart sinks "you've been waiting for four years?" I feel bad that he had to wait four years. I can't help the tears that spring to my eyes and an overwhelming sense of guilt.
       "Shhh, don't be sad. I'm sorry I didn't find you soon enough. We're together now, and you're safe. That's all the matter" he whispered looking into my eyes.
         "Percy always told me I was his mate, but I didn't feel any sparks. In fact, I hated it when he touched me it felt so wrong" I trailed off looking down.
            "He lies to you. Your body rejected his touch because he wasn't your mate. If it is too much to talk to him then we can wait, but could you describe what he looks like"
             By the time I finished describing his greasy hair and pale complexion James looked angry.
           "Percy is a rouge which means him or his parents got kicked out of his original pack. It means he's dangerous and if he is involved with the pack of rouges I think he is. Then that makes him even more dangerous."
            "I know he's dangerous." I whispered. I begin telling James a sparknotes version of everything he did to me. About how I found my parents bodies and how he took me to the cabin, and how he has been abusing me since. By the time I finished it felt as though a weight was lifted off my shoulders. The scars Percy gave me won't heal overnight, but being able to tell someone helped a great deal. For the first time in a long time I didn't feel alone.

           After I finished talking James wiped tears from my eyes and wrapped me in a hug. At first I sat stiffly in his arms, then I hugged him back and began to cry. I cried for my parents, for my wolf, I cried thinking about everything Percy did to me. I just kept crying. Now I'm cuddled in James arms taking a deep breath. Looking up I noticed he had tear tracks on his cheeks.

        Clearing his throat he looks away breaking eye contact, "there's one more thing I need to tell you." taking a deep breath running a hand through his hair he continues, "the injury on your back was bleeding profusely, so when you were in surgery it was what they addressed first. They didn't know until it was too late... they didn't know you were having a miscarriage. I'm so sorry Penny, but they weren't able to save the baby."
       As soon as the words left his mouth all the blood drains from my body. Thoughts swarm in my head. Anguish, and pain- I lost someone else- but also some relief. Percy had only forced me a few times. And I never thought about long term consequences, but I know Percy would have destroyed the kids life. Like he destroyed mine. Rationally I know I miscarried because I had wolfsbane in my system, I was malnourished, under great amounts of stress, and I received an injury that caused major blood loss. However, I can't help but feeling as though I could have done something.

      "I should have done something." I whisper burying my face into James chest.

        With no tears left to cry I let out small whimpers and eventually fell asleep with my face buried in my mates chest.

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