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I get home and go back up to my room to work on the project some more.

After a while, I start to get distracted by my own thoughts and think about today. Should I go out with Mason?

What would everyone think about us? Ewe that's so weird to think. I mean he's super cute and he's nice.

We also like the same things...I don't see why not. I pull out my phone and text Mason.

to mason;
read 8:13pm

from mason;
read 8:14pm

to mason;
when and where?
read 8:15pm

from mason;
read 8:16pm

I laugh at myself

to mason;
you should
read 8:17pm

from mason;
great, also i'm picking you up from school tomorrow too
read 8:19pm

I smile and close my phone. I can't believe I'm going to go on my first ever date.


I go through my closet. I don't know why I'm so nervous, he's just picking me up. I groan and dramatically fall on my bed.

After like 5 minutes I get back up and stomp over to my closet with an angry face "Okay closet, it's your time to shine!" I say to myself and go through it for the hundredth time.

I finally chose a white sweater and back ripped jeans. "This will do." I sigh and change. I put my hair into a messy ponytail. Once I'm done I get a text from Mason.

He said he's here so I grab my bag and house keys and run out the door not wanting to leave him waiting.

"Hi," I say getting into his car "Goodmorning beautiful." He says as he pulls out of my driveway.

I buckle up and blush trying to cover it. "Don't hide, it's cute when you blush." He smirks and I laugh a little.

We listen to some music and I never realized his hand was resting on my thigh. I can't help but smile to myself.

Once we get to school he parks and runs to the other side to let me out. "Why, thank you." I take his hand and don't let go.

"You're very welcome." He smiles at me and I smile back. We get inside and people start staring even though this isn't the first time we've walked in together...I mean we are holding hands this time.

"Okay, so i figured out what our date is." He says. I raise my eyebrows "And what is that?" i ask and he shrugs "why would i tell you, just know that i'm picking you up tomorrow night at eight." he says and i smile.

I see Jess, Mckenzie, and Arron walk up behind Mason and smile. "Y'all are cute!" Kenzie says and I laugh

"I have to get to class...see you at lunch?" I ask as he nods and squeezes my hand one last time before letting it go and going to class.

"You guys are so cute." It's now just me and Jess walking to class because Kenzie and Aaron already went. "Thanks." I look down at my feet and then look back up smiling.

Then I stop once I see Gilinsky and Amy making out. I part of me wants to stop them. I don't know why though. I shouldn't be mad but I kinda am.

I shake my head of the thoughts and go into class.


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