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Reluctantly, I took my seat across the table from Wade and frowned.

He smiled, "how did your day go?"

"You know, the usual", I waved my hand, "almost got shot then I was kidnapped again"

He frowned, "what?"

"You sent one of your men to threaten me Wade"

"How so?", he asked confusingly.

"He shot at me", I said, "twice"

"Are you physically hurt?"


"He was following orders", he said as he picked up a fork, "which were to get you here by all means necessary but refrain from hurting you in any way", he added, "my men know what they're doing Bella"

I gritted my teeth. I should have just ran.

I watched him cut out a piece of chicken with a fork and a knife. He placed it in his mouth and stared at the table thoughtfully- chewing slowly. Then he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, savoring the taste. When he opened his eyes, he glanced at me and frowned.

"Why aren't you eating?", he asked.

"I'm not hungry"

He sighed and dropped the fork, "what do you want Bella?", he asked, "I actually tried to do something normal and nice this time"

"It doesn't change anything", I said, "I have a boyfriend Wade and I would much rather be with him right now"

He flinched at my words. I knew it was a low blow but I needed to make it clear that I wasn't going to ruin my relationship for him. I felt guilty for the past three days and I didn't want to lie to Noah or keep secrets from him anymore.

Wade's eyes flickered with an unknown emotion. I couldn't tell if it was anger, hurt- or both. He picked up a little black box I hadn't realized was lying on the table in front of him and placed it in front of me.

"I had that made for you", he said without looking at me.


He raised a finger, "just keep it. I can't actually return it now. It doesn't have to mean anything", he stared at his food, "and if you're hungry, you should eat unless you're really not in which case, I'll have someone take you home immediately"

As he picked up his fork and played with his food, I took the box and opened it. The necklace in the box glimmered, the diamond studs bouncing rays in the dim lighting. The transparent gem in the pendant was oval shaped, polished and smooth- shimmering as I rolled my thumb over its surface.

"Wow", I said under my breath. It was beautiful.

Wade looked up at me, "I'm not trying to buy you or anything. I just thought I'd do something nice which I realize now may be wrong"

"Thank you", I said softly, "it's beautiful and I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings"

He shrugged, 'I expected it. It has been ten years after all", he said, "I just blame myself for not coming back soon enough"

The silence that followed between us was tense and deadly. I felt bad- in a way and I was struggling to understand if it was right for me to feel bad for him. He didn't savor his food any longer, he just stabbed his plate with the fork slowly.

"What happened after your dad died?", I asked.

"We moved and I took over his business", he said, shrugging.

I looked around at the men standing in different corners of the restaurant and the waiters who moved without talking to us or to each other. I turned back to stare at him.

"What business is that Wade?", I asked

"It's not time to tell you about work", his tone was flat.

"How do you expect me to trust you again if you won't tell me what's going on?"

He scoffed, "at least trust what I feel for you", he said, "I waited ten years for this. For me to come back and tell you that I love you. I didn't expect you to just take it", he added, "Right Now, I think I'm just content with knowing that you know-

-so even if you don't trust the things that I do. At least trust my feelings for you", he clenched his jaw and his eyes darkened, "I'll never let anyone try to hurt you again"

I glanced around- the mysterious men, the dinners in restaurants without anyone else in it, the refusal to talk about walk. I should have seen it from the very first day. Whatever Wade was up to, it was wrong.

I froze. I'll never let anyone try to hurt you again.

"Wade, did you kill Danny?", I asked.

He looked away and my heart skipped a beat. I had never wanted to be so wrong in my entire life. I prayed I was. I prayed Danny's killer was someone with some hidden grudge against him and not the man in front of me.

"Answer me", I said sternly.

"He deserved it"

"He deserved it?!", I asked loudly.

He shook his head, "He tried to hurt you Bella"

"That didn't give you the right to kill him", I lowered my voice and said.

"Was I supposed to let him do that to you then?", he asked, "what part of 'I'll never let anyone hurt you' don't you understand?"

I stared at him in disbelief. I couldn't believe he was trying to justify murder with love and protection. I realized he wasn't the same Wade that got on that plane to California years ago. This Wade was different and he was a murderer.

"I want to go home", I said.

"Let me explain please", he said quickly.

"No", I said, "you were right, you're not the same Wade I fell in love with"

I could feel tears welling up in my eyes and I felt dizzy. I wished he would tell me it was all a joke but he didn't. He didn't even feel remorseful. I thought back to the night Danny died, how I had been so confused about how everything happened- the killer had been so quick and had left no trace. The police had been searching for who it was that hated Danny enough to do that to him and he was sitting right in front of me. I wondered if Danny was the first to die by Wade's hand but I shook my head and decided not to think about it.

I wiped my tears the little tears that managed to escape and stood, dropping the box in front of him "I don't want this, I need you to stay away from me, Stacy and Noah. I am happy with my life right now, please don't ruin it"


I avoided his gaze. I was scared if I looked into his eyes then I would let him convince me to stay and listen to his explanation, but I didn't want to. "I promise I won't tell anyone, just please let me go home"

"I'm sorry"

"Wade please"

He rested his gaze on the table and then he snapped his fingers. One of the suited men walked up to us.

"Take her home and make sure she's safe", he said without moving from his seat. He looked at me, "maybe one day, I'll get the chance to really explain but until then, Goodbye Bella"

I followed the suited man out of the restaurant. As the cold night breeze hit my face and blew my hair backwards, from inside the restaurant, I heard the crashing of plates- and Wade's scream.

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