7~ What is even happening?

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Hinata managed to get through the school day, yet something was new, at least it was new to him.

Hinata could count several times when he saw Komaeda showing Ouma something on his phone, which was weird since the luckster hardly used it. Could have Ouma shown him something? Yet it did seem the short boy was actually observing whatever he was being shown. He constantly giggled, while Komaeda looked quite embarrassed.

Hinata shook the thoughts out of his head. He had to talk to SA.


Hajime: hi... Sorry for possibly bothering you

SA: It's ok! Hinata-kun can message me anytime he wants after school!

Hajime: anyway, what do you wanna talk about

SA: gdcsbjsgxvbFFghHGdFhHJuG

SA: horse a

Hajime: ???!!

SA: Sorry! I tripped and dropped my phone...

Hajime: Are you ok?? There's no damage to anything right?

SA: Don't worry over me Hinata-kun! I'm completely fine.

Hajime: that's good. I was worried

SA: You really shouldn't... You don't know who I am... This could be all a big prank, Hinata-kun.

Hajime: ok...

SA: I'm sorry, but I'll have to excuse myself. I have a headache and have to take medicine. I'll talk to you later Hinata-kun!

Hajime: oh ok! Hope you feel better! Ttyl


Hajime put down his phone. A headache, huh? They said they needed medicine, so they must be on some sort of medication right? But the average person would take pain meds if they had a headache. It was still worth checking. The next day, he would find some way to check who was on meds, and possibly narrow down suspects.

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