4. In which its the end

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Sometimes everything is not what it seems.

Its best to sit down, take a breather 

then solve your problem with a clear mind.

if you don't do that, the situation will only get bigger.

 - Unknown



This chapter will be skipping simultaneously between both persons point of view.


It took Lucina about a hour and a half to get the Panzanella ready and perfect. She packaged the food in 3 containers, 1 for her and 2 for Marquez. She placed the food in a picnic basket and left it on the countertop.

She hurriedly went back upstairs to freshen up and get rid of the smell of lunch. When she was finished she called for her driver Samuel to take her to Marquez office. 

They arrived at his office approximately 1:45 pm. She entered the high rise building that consisted of 25 floors and was instantly greeted by the employees. She waved and flashed them a sweet smile, then entered her husband private elevator to the 24th floor. Not knowing that her life was going to change forever.


Marquez saw his office door open and immediately knew that it was Lucina, because she was the only one that could enter his office without knocking.  She was the woman he once love, and now to him  she was only a lying, cheating, backstabbing, gold digging bitch. He couldn't stand to see her. His mind was telling him to  throw her out of his office but his heart was saying the opposite.

He didn't even bother to try and push Eliza off him. He didn't give a flying f**k if Lucina say the position they were in or if she was hurt because right at that moment he felt like his heart was being ripped out of his chest.


When Lucina entered her husband's office she felt how tense the atmosphere was, before she even looked to the center of the office where her husband's desk was located she could see in her peripheral vision that he was not alone.

When she saw him and saw his ex sitting in his lap she immediately saw red, the food basket fell out of her hand and landed with a thud on the floor, at that moment Lucina could care less about the food she prepared. She wanted nothing more than to march over to them and grab the woman by her hair and throw her off her husband's lap.

Lucina always had a smart mouth and today she decided to keep it shut. She wanted to scream at him, slap him and leave the room but she knew that all the questions swirling around in her head wouldn't have been answered. She was thinking how could the love of her life cheat and disrespect her like that.

She immediately turned around and calmly walked out of Marquez office and after five minutes of waiting she saw the woman that was on Marquez lap walk out of his office with a big, broad smile on her face. She took in a deep breathe and made her way back inside his office.

She had calmed down since she left his office and decided that she wanted to have a civilized conversation with him, after all he was her husband and there must have been an explanation for all she just saw, so she slowly entered his office and ask him in a even tone. Why were you with her?, what the hell just happened and why the f**k was she on your lap?.

The glare she got from Marquez made her take a tumbling step back. She had no idea what she had done to him and the last time she check they weren't in an argument.

Lucina saw when Marquez rose from his office desk and took intimidating steps towards her. She could see how angry he was but when he said those four words "I WANT A DIVORCE !" her heart broke in two. 

Lucina held her ground and started throwing questions at Marquez, but they all fell on deaf ears. She felt she wanted to cry, but the glares that was being sent her way  made her swallow all her sobs. She looked at him in his angry state and fell to the ground after feeling all the energy leave her body.


It pained Marquez to see her looking broken and confused, but he brushed off all remorse he felt for her and  turned the computer screen towards her so she could see that he found out about her betrayal. 

Yelling at her he told her to leave his office, pack her things and leave his home in one week time and because he wanted her to feel how he felt her told her that he and Eliza were sleeping together for months now and he couldn't wait until she found out.


When she saw the email of her with multiple men she started crying more out of shock than guilt. She immediately started to deny and stating that the email was false but because Marquez was a hard headed man and didn't easily trust or forgive he believed the email over his wife.

After trying to prove her innocence, and Marquez still not believing Lucina was not going to give up. But, when she heard what Marquez said about him and Eliza her heart shattered more than she could even believe. She got up and slapped Marquez in his face and shouted five words that would come to haunt Marquez in the future. 

Later that Evening


She started packing some of her clothes and  took one of the picture frames of her and Marquez from their wedding day.

She wasn't going to wait until one week to leave. When tomorrow comes she will take a bus to her parents and forget about Marquez and his cheating, lying ways. Although she didn't portrait being angry. She was beyond livid at the way Marquez treated her.

Before sleep consumed her one thought crossed her mind how she hates Marquez Zhaine Sanchez and she will never forgive him until her last dying breathe. She took of her gold with diamond studs wedding ring and threw it across the room and went to sleep.

Tomorrow, Tomorrow she thought, it will be a better day.


Wheeeee!!! What an asshole!

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