Chapter 28 - Family Issues

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"I can explain."


————————One Slap Earlier——————————

When I arrived at our room Fiora was standing at the door.

"Finally you're back! Why are you so late?!" She had an angered tone but her face seemed worried about me. Seems like she was worried.

"Oh some stuff happened. It's nothing to worry about anymore. I'll tell you about it in a few minutes." I waved my hand slowly and made a cheerful face to calm her down and show that I'm fine.

"You'd better tell me..." Although she kept acting angry I could see her lips moving some more after she said that. I couldn't make out what she said though.

"Des..." I looked at Fiora's eyes and I felt instant regret. She was staring daggers at me.

"Y-Yes!?" I, for the first time since I came back to life, was terrified. At that moment I wanted to wish I was just in a bad dream.

She closed her eyes, tilted her head to the side, and smiled at me.

"Why do I smell a woman on you?" I knew at this moment that if I didn't pick the right words, I would probably die. I didn't know why Fiora was acting this way but all of my instincts were spiking. Warning me.

"Umm, well you see-"

"Why.Do.I.Smell.A.Woman.On.You?" Every part of me was scared. I felt like I would get killed for real this time.

"Oh! Is this the one you chose!" At that moment Senns showed up behind me.

For gods sake Senns! Are you trying to kill me!?

I looked back to Fiora and I felt some strong, violent, and deadly aura from her.

"I can explain." That's when my I lost my sight. I was slapped unconscious

When I came to I was laying on the ground looking up at a familiar ceiling.

"Ugh, what happened?" I tried to sit up but I felt I was being held down.

"What the-" I looked down and saw some rope tied around me.

"You've got to be kidding me..!" I shut my mouth and breathed in slowly.

Deep breaths Des. Deep breaths.

Ok, I've calmed down... Now why am I tied down? I looked at the beds and could see Fiora and Senns sleeping on both of them.

That explains why I'm not in a bed but why am I tied down?

I then see a slight movement from Senns and notice one of her eyes open. Once I glare at her she closes it again.

That dirty angel. She planned this didn't she. She really is trying to kill me.

I am going to have to do something about her later. But in the meantime I need to figure out a way to free myself.

Thankfully however, I can just travel through the darkness that is still in the room since the sun hasn't entered all the way.

After looking at where I want to teleport I blink my eyes and I see the ropes falling to the ground where I was laying down.

"That was weird." I whisper silently.

I look at Senns and see her giggle lightly. Alright, you better watch your back. Im going to make you pay one day.

'Safe...' I hear tiny in my head.

'Yeah. So tiny, what happened while I was knocked out?'

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