Chapter 6: Wait What?

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By the time Yashiro woke up, it was almost time to leave. He yawned and popped his joints before making his way to the shower and getting ready. When he finished, he made sure to not look at himself in the mirror.

I look ugly as always, so it won't matter....

He walked into the kitchen, took the coffee mug left for him, and a bagel. "Ai-san, we should be leaving", Yashiro said loudly, while his mouth was full of bagel. "Either eat or speak. Don't do both", 'Ai-san' said as he got up from the couch in the living room. "Let's go then."

(Time Skiiiiip)

Yashiro opened the door to be met with a couple pairs of eyes. Everyone else was talking or reading a book. In one case, a very small grape-looking boy was staring at the girls in the class. Yashiro looked towards the back of the class and found an empty seat that obviously wasn't there yesterday. "Haaaah, finally", he stated to himself in relief. Of course, the people who had heard him started at him with wide eyes.


Yashiro passed by many students who gave him strange or creeped out looks. Finally taking a seat, Yashi got ready to take notes. Aizawa walked in right as he did. Everyone immediately shut up and took out their notes.

Yashi's hand twitched and he suddenly had this sort of feeling that something would happen.

(Another Time Skip)

A deep rumbling noise was coming closer and closer to the door of the classroom. "I AAAMMM.....--", the door was slammed open and there stood All Might. "COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" Yashiro started to play with his fingers again.

"Today, we are doing this!!", he held up a sign with the english word 'Battle' written on it. Most of the class was excited. Especially a certain porcupine. "But before we get into that, you get to wear the costumes you designed!", All Might once again yelled. Yashiro couldn't help but half smile at the man. He had known him for three years, and would even spend the night if Aizawa and Hizashi went on a date (I just had to put this in here. Sorry!).

Yashiro's costume was all by itself on a bottom shelf.


Yashiro remembered his costume design and nodded in thought. "I hope it turned out right...", he said to himself.

He was once again the last one into the locker room, which made a couple heads turn. Of course, he tried to ignore them. Key word: tried. He was sweating and subconsciously biting his lip as he started changing. He felt the eyes look away, but he didn't feel like it changed anything. He would have started to play with his fingers again, if it hadn't been that he was currently changing. He scooted over to the corner to change his shirt.

There are more people than last time....I hope no one else sees.....

He twitched as he pulled off the blazer, untied the tie, and unbuttoned his shirt. He felt a few eyes stare at him once more, so he hurried and put his shirt on.


Yashi was now dressed in a tight black shirt and some black pants that were easy to move in. A black mask covered his mouth, while his eyes were covered with goggles. The googles were used to track and calculate information about the opponent/villian/literally anyone who attacks Yashi. He also wears a utility belt that has small knives and long needles inside. In addition, he wears long black boots that help with running and jumping (because, while your hair may magically stay in your head, it gets tiring). Lastly, he wears black gloves that can release a chemical that explodes when coming in contact with nitrous oxide (laughing gas).

Yashiro walked into ground beta and saw that one girl and half of the guys were missing. Yashi went ahead and tried to find a place to sit down.

However, he was stopped by a little pervert. "Nice ass", Mineta said quietly as he observed the boy who was now looking at him. To be honest, Mineta wasn't gay, but he can't help but like both boobs and butts. No matter what sex or gender. Yashiro tensed and tears welled up. He almost attacked the perv using his hair, but he wouldn't become a hero if he did. So, instead, he glared at the small and perverted being. It seemed to work pretty well. The grape sped off to who knows where.

Once Yashi found a ledge, he got comfortable.

Yashiro was now begining to regret having the pants as part of the costume. They fit like skinny jeans, but you're able to move freely in them. It also accentuates the butt, which is not what Yashiro wanted. Not at all. "Alright! Now that everyone's here! Let's get st--" "Are we allowed to kill them?" "Will it affect our grade if we don't participate?" "Where do we put our costumes when we're done?" "Doesn't this cape look amazing?" "I'll get to your questions one at a time! You are going to be put into teams of two. One team will be the 'Hero' team, and one will be the 'Villain' team. The hero team will try and either capture the weapon or capture both of the villains using tape. The villain team will be securing the weapon and try to either capture the heroes, or wait until time runs out. To know which team you're on, we'll draw lots!", All Might got three boxes from out of nowhere and placed a black one and a white one behind him. "Come up and draw lots one at a time!", the teacher exclaimed. Iida, being the best square that he is, directed everyone to maintain the line. As Yashiro walked up to All Might, the two pretended to not know each other. While doing so, Yashiro gave All Might a certain look that meant, "I need to talk to you after school". The tall man discreetly nodded as Yashiro picked up a slip of paper from the box. "B....", he said in english, making his voice a little higher. He suddenly had a revelation. "Batman!", he said in english, once again, making his voice just the tiniest bit higher. A few people saw him just saying words that started with 'B'.


All Might announced the line-ups and which ones would be heroes and villains.
Team A v.s. Team D
Team B v.s. Team I
So on and so forth. "Wait, but Team B has more people! Wouldn't that make them have an advantage?", asked Ashido with curiosity. "Oh. Right. Well, I have a special job for Nakandashi-kun!", said boy tilted his head.

Just what the hell are you planning, Toshi-san?


chool starts in 1 minute, so I gtg!
I hope you liked this chapter!


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