Chapter 19

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(Y/n)'s POV

~At home~

After taking a warm shower, I plopped onto my bed and sighed with content. Mikleo's friends had managed to make me forget about my worries for one night. I was grateful for the fact that I didn't have to worry about Shiori or Catherine messing up my life.

But tomorrow would be different. Everything'd be back to more friends, no more hanging out, no more carefree conversations...

There was a sudden knocking at the door, which I found very unusual. My instincts told me it was probably Shiori or something but she rarely or almost never came over to my place.

The knocking only got louder and louder. I hesitantly went to get the door, afraid that it may be some robber or something. Without a second thought, I turned the knob and opened the door.

Catherine stood on the other side with a tall bodyguard by her side. She almost looked sympathetic but it seemed that I just imagined it.

The bodyguard grabbed onto my arm and pulled me outside without exerting any effort. The door closed with a loud bang. I struggled to get free of his iron grip but it was futile. I was weak.

Catherine took the lead. I could only stare at her back as we got into a black car. The ride to wherever she was taking me was awkward and suffocating.

After what felt like an eternity, the guard pulled me towards a large skyscraper. Well, it looked like one. It was only when we got closer that I noticed that it was a tower, like a closed-off kingdom.


I immediately tensed up and looked at Catherine. She was still facing the door but remained still, as if waiting for it to open on its own...but it didn't.

"I think Shiori's taking this a little too far. In my opinion, she's too obsessed with Mikleo. I think she should just move on and find someone else. But that doesn't mean that I like you. I don't. You annoy me but good luck," she exclaimed softly.

*gulp* The guard pushed me forward, through the large doors. The inside looked pretty normal, like how any normal building would be. I was scared for no reason...for now.

We headed through a maze, literally. Every corridor and hallway looked exactly the same, the only difference being the signs that indicated which way was which.

We soon arrived at a white door. It slid open before the guard left. I was pulled inside by some invisible force. It felt like someone's cold fingers were wrapping themselves around my arms.

"Sit down," ordered a woman.

She was wearing a lab coat and had shoulder-length maroon-coloured hair. She wore small glasses that rested lightly on the bridge of her nose. Her sharp blue eyes seemed to see right through me.

She wasn't necessarily tall or short, but her presence definitely made me feel intimidated. I quickly sat down in the empty seat that was, coincidentally, in the middle of the room.

"You shouldn't have upset Shiori. She's one feisty girl," the woman exclaimed while checking things off in a document.

I stayed silent and waited for her to continue. I didn't know what I was supposed to say or do here. I didn't even know what I was brought here for although I had a general idea.

"You will refer to me as 'Miss' or 'Ma'am'. I am in charge of your experiments. Shiori has told me to begin extracting your power."
"Don't worry, it won't hurt too much. But if it does and you feel like dying, then the only thing I can offer you is a simple word of comfort. But I'm pretty sure that'll do nothing."

I watched with wide, frightened eyes as she got out some strange tools. It almost seemed as if she was going to cut me open. I was scared...

Mikleo's POV

I couldn't help but get this bad feeling. After I dropped (Y/n) off at home, it was as if my body was telling me to stay with her. Was she in danger?

The feeling wouldn't disappear so I grabbed my jacket before heading out again. I didn't even know if (Y/n) really was in danger but it was better to be safe than sorry.

I walked back to her small apartment and knocked on the door. There was no answer so I tried again. Still nothing. Maybe she was asleep. That must be it. There was no way that someone could've kidnapped her...right?

A dreadful feeling filled my stomach. I felt nervous. I didn't know what to do. If she actually was kidnapped, where would I go to find her? It'd be impossible...

I hurriedly ran to Sorey's place and went inside without knocking. He looked surprised to see me but seemed to understand what was going on from the expression on my face.

"I think (Y/n)'s in danger."
"Did you check her apartment?" he asked while grabbing his things.
"She didn't answer."
"Then she could be asleep-"
"I'm sure she isn't."
"...okay, let's go look for her."

I smiled gratefully and followed him outside. We went to check the school grounds first but there was no one in sight. Next, we checked every area that she could've been taken to.

But it was no use. (Y/n) was nowhere to be found. It was all my fault. If only I didn't leave her alone, if only I had offered to stay with her, if only I had looked out for her a little more...


I looked at Sorey but his expression told me that that wasn't him. The voice came again. We looked around before we were pulled into an alleyway.

"Sshhh, I'm not supposed to be out here. You're looking for (Y/n), right? Here's the address," he said hurriedly.
"Wait, why are you helping us? Won't you get in trouble?"
"Yeah, I will but I don't want anything to happen to her either so hurry. There's no time."

Before we could ask him anymore, he slipped away into the darkness. Sorey and I ran off without a second thought. We needed to save (Y/n) before it was too late.

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