Chapter 6 | The Transfiguration Professor

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"Euphemia, we're going. Come on," Walburga ordered and Mia looked up from where she had just finished her pancakes to see Walburga stood over her with her arms crossed, Heather and Mary on either side of her.

Euphemia groaned inwardly, not wanting to spend another minute in their company, she would rather just wait for Minnie and walk with her but she knew that would be unforgivable.

She simply nodded, fuming, but still stood up, sending one last look at Eileen who grimaced at her sympathetically before she was dragged out of the Great Hall by Mary, who had hooked her arm through Mia's.

Minerva looked over from the Gryffindor table to see Euphemia being taken out of the hall, quite unwillingly by the looks of things and immediately stood up, ready to go over to her and invite her to come with them later on but felt a hand on her arm which prevented her from moving.

Looking around with a fierce expression, she locked eyes with Charlus who had been the one to stop her, "Leave her, she's chosen what she wants," he told her, distaste lining his tone and Minnie shook her arm free of his grip.

"Don't tell me what to do," she snapped and stalked off to go and talk to Euphemia.

Crowds of students and gaggles of giggling girls separated Minnie from the group of Slytherin girls that she could see over by the marble staircase, three of them chatting whilst the fourth one, Euphemia, stood to one side, her head hung as her feet shuffled back and forth.

Minerva shoved her way through the last of the students, getting an irritated look from a Hufflepuff boy but all Minnie cared about now was getting to Mia.

"Transfiguration is first and that's with the Gryffindors," Mary was saying, not sounding as if she very much liked the idea of sharing a class with the house that Slytherin despised the most.

Walburga pulled a face, "That muggle lover, Dumbledore, teaches that class," she informed them with a toss of her hair, that almost hit Euphemia in the face, had she not ducked.

"The deputy headteacher, you mean?" Heather asked, pulling a face and Mary and Walburga both nodded.

Euphemia personally didn't see anything wrong with the Transfiguration teacher, she figured he was quite the hero due to the fact that he defeated Grindelwald, who she knew she was supposed to love but she just couldn't when the man terrorised muggles and treated them like filth. It just wasn't right.

"Excuse me," came a familiar voice through the crowd and Mia's head shot up immediately to spot Minerva pushing past a few people and her heart soared at seeing her best friend again, she hadn't seen her properly since the beginning of the sorting, only ever from a distance.

But then it sunk as she remembered who she was with. Someone was about to get hurt...

Walburga looked up from where she was gossiping with Heather and Mary, the three of them sending dark looks at anyone who approached them.

Minnie didn't seem unnerved by their presence, though Mia tried to warn her with her eyes, shaking her head frantically.

"I would like to speak with Mia," she announced and Walburga immediately wrinkled her nose as Heather looked disgustedly at Minerva's Gryffindor uniform.

"Too bad, Euphemia is talking to us," Walburga sniffed, pitting emphasis on Mia's full name as if to imply that Minerva was saying it wrong.

"She doesn't look like she is. In fact, she looks rather bored," Minnie replied coolly, staring back at Walburga, not breaking the gaze until the latter finally looked down at her shoes in frustration.

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