Cliche 6

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The Genocide Of Grammar

I feel as if some authors never actually paid attention during English class.

1. Your and you're are two DIFFERENT words. They are not interchangeable, they cannot be interchangeable, you should not under any circumstance interchange them.

2. Their and there. Please refer to my second point.

3. The use of lol. Lol doesn't belong in prose! In fact this might come off as a bit of a shock to some of you but it doesn't belong anywhere outside of texting. It ruins the story and makes it seem unprofessional. We know that most authors here are teenage girls but try not to make of obvious.

I read a book not too long ago and the main character was like "My parents died in a car accident and my sister works as a stripper so that we can live, lol." You see I was beginning to feel sorry for you but then that lol squashed every single one of it and threw it over the Golden Gate Bridge.

4. WrItInG lIKe ThIs. Was that legible? If it was, how many seconds did it take you to read it? There should be a rule against things like this, anyone who does write like this should be sentenced to death by the Iron Maiden.

5. No full stops or commas or any sort of punctuation whatsoever.

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