10th Doctor | Almond Milk

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I saw a post about this somewhere and I thought it's super cute. I hope you do too :)

Also this is a Coffee Shop AU :3


'That's gotta annoy the shit outta him...', you thought to yourself as you walked back onto the pavement, making the small bell on the door jingle.

It's been around two weeks since you discovered the small quaint coffee shop in your town for the first time.
Everytime you asked for almond milk since you're lactose intolerant. And everytime there was the same guy serving you, with ruffled hair, glasses and a brown-blue striped apron.

Smiling softly you shook your head and started slurping your latte, quickening your pace so you wouldn't miss your first class of the day.


By the end of the week, you once again walked sleepily into your new favorite place, hoping for the caffeine to work it's wonders. You stopped asking, because they always had just lacto free milk, so you stuck with that, not wanting to bug the guy who was still serving you everyday.

As soon as you had the cup in your hand you immediately took a sip, the warmth already helping you to keep your eyes open. Which also may have been the different taste. There was definitely a difference in the milk, so you walked up to him and asked if they started serving almond milk.

He looked up from the counter, smiling shyly at you and replied, "Well, you always ask if we have it, so I got it specially for you."

Baffled you looked back at him, your gaze making him look away, his cheeks slightly turning raspberry-red.

"You mean- from your- for me?"

Why would he buy almond milk for you, a complete stranger? Especially with his own money...

He nodded, scratching his neck.

"W-well... thank you", you smiled happily, walking out of the door. As you looked back you saw him smiling and giving a small wave at you, "see you tomorrow?"

"As always", you answered with a wide grin on your face.

You enjoyed your latte- with almond milk- and seemed to fail horribly at trying to get that stupid smile off of your face for the rest of the day.

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