Chapter Sixty Five

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Asteria and Sirius sat quietly staring out at the Black Lake that was glistening on the first dry and sunny day of the term. Asteria had her arms hung loosely around his neck, resting her head on his shoulder with her legs curled up almost in his lap. Sirius tightly held one arm around her waist and stared intently out at the water.

"I just feel so guilty about it all." He mumbled, dropping his head down to rest on top of Asteria's.

"You know you shouldn't. Right?" She pointed out.

"It's just." Sirius stammered, "It's my fault he died. If it wasn't for me... If-if I had just been sorted into Slytherin and I hadn't left my family... My uncle Alphard wouldn't be dead right now. How is that not my fault?"

Asteria sat up suddenly, crouching in front of Sirius to stare face on at him. "Did you personally use the killing curse against him? Did you murder him yourself?" She questioned, earning only a shake of the head in response. "Then it's not your fault." She stated, "You can't be blame for someone else's actions."

"Why not? It is my fault."

"Sirius." Asteria sighed with exasperation, "If I stuck my leg out and tripped you over one day, would it be your fault you fell because you were walking past doing your own thing? No. It would be my fault because I stuck my leg out. You're not to blame because you're living how you wish to." She explained.

Sirius opened his mouth to reply but was cut off as James Potter stumbled onto the scene through some hedges. His glasses were askew and there were leaves littered in his curly hair.

"You guys! I need to ask a huge favour..." He stammered, staring wildly at them.


Sirius was cut off yet again by a distant yell.


Asteria's mouth dropped open and she started roaring with laughter at the sound of Lily Evan's shriek. Sirius put his head in his hands, muttering "Oh James..."

"What did you do?" Asteria giggled as the sound of hurried footsteps got nearer.

"You've got to hide m-" James hissed.

"James!" Lily shouted, storming onto the scene with her cheeks flushed as red as her hair which was standing up at all ends.

"Lils-listen-Lils! I'm so sorry! The jinx wasn't meant to hit you! You have to believe me!" James jumped to his feet, backing away from the girl that practically had steam pouring out of her ears.

Lily narrowed her eyes, "James Potter you are an absolute moron!"

"Well we could have told you that before you started dating him." Sirius added with a smirk. The causes Asteria to start laughing, which infected Lily as she dropped her serious expression and started to giggle. James began nervously chuckling along unsure of how exactly Lily was feeling about him.

And just like that the group were free to act like real teenagers for once. For just a moment any fear of the growing darkness outside of the Hogwarts' walls had vanished.

Then Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew arrived.

Remus rolled his eyes, "Merlin's beard it's like you four want me to be sick."

"J-James, Lily... Sirius, we all have to go and see Dumbledore." Peter stammered as he arrived at the scene.

"You two really do lighten the mood, don't you?" Sirius muttered, leaning back against the tree as he gently pulled Asteria to sit closer to him.
"Shut up, Padfoot." Remus scoffed before pretending to heave.

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