Chapter 1 Total Darkness

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((You don't have to read this part if you really don't want to, but it just tells how her and her friends get to the campsite and how the "aliens" come into friend however, thinks this part is funny so maybe you will want to read this chapter....))

Third person's p.o.v

It was somewhat a warm Autumn day, Friday to be exact. Celeste had just gotten home from school and was already starting to get a duffel bag ready for her camping trip with some of her friends, since fall break had now just begun. She put almost all of her clothes in this duffel bag since they had planned on staying out there for the whole break. Then she got her backpack and dumped out all her school stuff and began filling it with her personal items along with a pair sandals and some socks for her converse. After she was done, she folded up her blanket and put it on top of the duffel along with one body pillow and one regular pillow, tieing it to the top. While she was making sure everything she needed was in her bags, a car horn bellows outside her house. Looking out the window of her room she saw her friend Derick getting out of his Tahoe and opening up the trunk, while her other friend Angel rolled down the window and stuck her head out, like she was a dog.

"Hurry up Celeste we gotta go pick up the other two!!" Angel yelled and Celeste began to quickly grab her things and walk down the hallway to the front door, but before she could open it her grandma came down the hallway and stopped her quickly by speaking.

"Hey, you can't say goodbye, kiss my ass, or nothing?" She said and Celeste giggled dropping her things and turning around to her grandma. Her grandma walked up to her and hugged her tightly before speaking.

"I'll see you at the end of fall break, I love you." She said and Celeste smiled.

" I love you too Nana." She said and hugged her back just as tight until the moment was ruined by the car horn on her friends van going off longer than before.

"You better go before your friends make our neighbors angry." Her grandma said and she nodded, picking her things back up. Her grandma helped by opening the door and watching Celeste leave towards the Tahoe, beginning to put her things in the trunk with Derick helping her. When they got done Derick closed the trunk and then got back in the driver seat, while Celeste got in the passenger seat. Before Celeste closed the door she waved goodbye to her grandma but was interrupted by Angel.

"Come on slow ass close the door you'll see her later." Angel said and Celeste nodded closing the door, then they were off. Celeste sat there in silence while Derick and Angel talked to each other about what the plan was.

"Ok, so...we are going to go pick up Steven and Lilac, then go to the grocery store to get food and drinks, and maybe, 'MAYBE' some smores if I have enough money after getting everything that we need on the list, then we will go to the campsite." Derick said and Angel smiled hearing the word smores.

"Ok did you get the tents?" Angel asked and Derick nodded.

"Yes, you and I will share one, Steven got one for him and Lilac and I got Celeste one for herself if she doesn't want to sleep with us or them." He said and Celeste looked at him shaking her head.

"I'm ok with having a tent of my own, we will probably be up all night anyway." She said and Derick smiled.

"Your right, none of us sleep at night." Derrick said and Angel got out of her seat so she could get close to us.

"If we are lucky we can summon the Slender Man!!" She said and Derrick and I smiled.

"You really want to die tonight don't you?" Derrick said and Angel smiled.

"Only by the Slender Man, Sorry love but if I had a choice between you and Slender Man, I'd choose Slendy!!!" She screamed and Celeste laughed lightly thinking it was funny, all Derick did was smile.

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