A Ship.........And A Neko

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Patton and Logan: *leaves but watches*

Virgil: *blushes* Dangit.... *sighs* Okay, I g-gotta... *walks over to Roman, sits on his lap, facing him, and intertwines his and Roman's hands together* I l-love you..

Roman: *blushes intensely*

~Later That Day~

Virgil: *in his room, blushing on a maximum level, then randomly turns into a Neko* What the fu-

Patton: Fudge!

Virgil: *pokes his head out the door, cat ears laying flat on his head*

Patton: *gasps* WOWZA!

Virgil: *sighs*

Thomas: Leave a ask or dare, and until next time, take it easy guys, gals, and non-binary pals, peace out!

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