Chapter 35

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Aisha pov
Aisha wandered in her room not realizing fern Zayn walked in.
He cleared his throat.

"When did you come in?"Aisha asked looking restless

"few minutes ago.why are you looking restless?"

"Have a sit"she insisted

"What's wrong?"

"Well,there is this lady in her office. Armani"

"Darling don't let her bother you. She is pretty cool but could be mean at me you are gonna like her"

"What was your relationship with her?"

"We dated for up to two year"

"Why did you break up then?"

"Felt we weren't made for each other"

"Okay. During the times of you dating her.did you feel she was creepy"

Zayn laughed"when did you turn to a detective? Honey! What is with the questions?"

"Nothing much"

"Dinner is served,"

"Okay"she faked a smile as Andrew left the room "hope my suspicions are not true. I need to speak to ikhlas."she picked up her phone and made a call through ikhlas "hello"

The next morning
"Mom, I'm ready for the presentation. Can we leave now?"

"Yes we can. Aisha "


"I forgot to mention to you yesterday that Armani will be the one to make the presentation today. Hope you do not have a problem with that?"

Aisha stared at her "not at all"she replied with a Fake smile

"Will be waiting for you at the board room "she says before leaving

"Not after the conversation I heard yesterday"she sat on the couch "why will Armani be bossing such an Iron Lady around?" Something is definitely wrong.will have to find out"

A knock was heard at the door "hello dear"Armani spoke as she walked in majestically

"Not this bossy bitch again"she spoke in a low tone. "Morning Armani"she faked a smile as moved towards Armani "looking for something? I guess you are the only one who can badge into the CEO office any time you feel like "Aisha raised an eyebrow"

"Not here to start a fight bitch"

"Don't call me that"Aisha yelled

"Else what?"

"Trust me,you won't wanna piss me off"

She smirked"whatever,it's time for my presentation.hurry!the boss doesn't like to be kept waiting"

"Just leave"Aisha eyed her
  Zayn pov
Every sat on the dinning table having dinner
"Aisha!"Zayn dad broke the silence

"Yes"Aisha replied

"When do you want us to see your parents?"

"Whenever you are ready"

"Tomorrow then"Zayn spoke

"Not a bad idea"Aisha replied

"Mom,isn't this weird but when did you start wearing a head tie and what happened to your colorful wigs?,I met them in the trash"Zayn asked sounding confused

"Well I And your mom have a thing or two to tell you"

"We are all ears"Aisha replied

"Well.your dad and I went to the masjid and converted"Zayn mom spoke

"AlhamduliLah"Aisha and Zayn both replied
Andrew pov
"Sir here are the files"

"Keep then on the table"he instructed

"I won't be in the office in the next two weeks"

"Any reason sir? You have a meeting with the prime minister of France"

"My dad will handle it,not to worry"

"Okay sir,anything else!"

"No thank you"

"Okay"she says as she leaves

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2018 ⏰

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