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Haneul met with his father just as planned, but his mind was in a dilemma. He couldn't stop thinking about what he had managed to eavesdrop from his father's conversation with someone on the phone. Haneul knew that he didn't like his father but now he despised him. He was determined to figure out the truth behind the words that came out of his father's mouth.

His father had called him in to discuss some details for the annual big school camping trip. Haneul wasn't particularly interested and let his father's words go in one ear and out the other. 

Haneul shut the door to his father's study and decided to do some searching on Yoonbyul's relation with his father with the help from his personal assistant.


"What is it that you need help with sir?" asked Haneul's assistant with a bow.

"Get me the family's old photo albums as well as anything that is linked to my father's relationship with a particular 'Seo' family," I request as I went on my computer to do some research myself.

"Yes of course," bowed the assistant, "I will return with what you've requested."

I stare at my computer screen with a blank expression. What am I even doing? What am I doing with my life? I have absolutely no right to invade the privacy of Yoonbyul, but her life might be on the line. I don't know what father is planning. I recall his conversation on the phone, he said Yoonbyul's father backstabbed him? But I swear to god that they were close friends in the past. That's only if my memories correct... Unless there's something else... To be honest, I barely know anything about my own father's past, he's always been secretive about it.

Countless worries and life's causes of worry, I pretend to know the world but my body is still not fully 'cooked'. I ruffle my hair with frustration, time is passing by and I don't what I can possibly do. I'll just get my mind off of it for now and return to it when my assistant manages to find a clue about my father's relation with Yoonbyul and her family. Curiosity is really going to kill the cat soon.


I decided to leave my house and headed to the basketball court in the distance between my house and the school. Sports always distracted me from unnecessary things. I call a few of my friends from school to join me for a game. After a while, enough people for a game showed up.

Today of all days, the rim looks far away. On the court, I breathe a deep sigh. A boy who's terrified of reality when he throws the ball, it'll only become his heart throwing the ball alone, the one I throw at the rim. We played three rounds before taking a break on the bench. This was definitely a good distraction from everything related to my father.

"Yo Haneul we're starting another round, come on!" shouted one of my friends.

"Alright, I'll be there in just a sec," I reply while using a towel to wipe the sweat off my face.

I return to the court and continued to score. The ball that was tossed out and the smiles that spread together. This breath that floods up to my chin, the wiggling dreams, the dribble that quickens, a heart that becomes happier, it's almost as if this moment will be eternity.

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