Chapter 27: Ocean Eyes

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~Ocean Eyes ~

Lauren's POV

The sound of my alarm clock wakes me up from my sleep.

Groaning softly, I stir around in my bed, opening my eyes and squinting them due to the slight darkness of my room.

'5:25 A.M'

My eyes went from my alarm clock to the silk curtains that hid the light of the outside away.

I still felt somewhat embarrassed about yesterday. I'm only glad I actually had some sleep because who knows what today might bring for me.

Camila's attitude has grown very annoying for me and the way she's acting in class has me wanting to rip my hair out.

Lucy though. I hate her so fucking much. I mean. Don't get me wrong, we're not dating anymore. But she has been coming around lately because well... My family still thinks I'm dating her.

My mom loves Lucy and when I tried telling her about our break up she just cuts me off asking when will Lucy come over again and shit and well.. I don't know.

I mean... Lucy and I were together for quite some time, and she's a good actor. She always makes it seem like we're the perfect couple when my family comes around. But in closed doors.. She's a fucking nightmare.

I have a pretty close relationship with my mom and I just.. I don't want to disappoint her or make her sad by my breakup with Lucy, y'know?

But no Lucy and I are not together. I'm still trying to figure out a way to tell my mom though.

I bet you're wondering why Lucy has been showing up lately with me? Well, that's all on her. I'm not even aware of the times she's coming over to school and shit so I get really pissed off and cuss her off when everybody's back in class.

And all the times she has dropped me off to school? You may ask? Well, its kind of stupid but usually when I drop my car off for car services I call a uber so that I can come to school. Nothing big right?

Well it turns out that the little bitch got herself a job as a uber driver and it just so happens that she gets the chance to come pick me up. I know she's doing it on purpose though, which fucking annoys me.

I remember the time she picked me up and how confused and angry I had been.

I didn't really have a choice though since I wanted to get to school early, which I don't know what for because it was already too early but eh.

Anyway I got inside the car, completely ignored her the whole car ride and when we reached school I climbed off and she literally had the fucking nerve to kiss my cheek. I was about to slap the shit out of her but refrained myself from doing it.

I do vaguely remember telling her to never do that shit again because I'll beat her to a pulp, which I don't regret saying.

Anyway she hands me this little note. Like.. A envelope. With what? Her fucking number inside. Wow. Yeah I threw that little ugly piece of shit away and well... That whole day was just basically shit for me.

Groaning slightly, I climbed out of bed before walking groggily to the bathroom.

Sighing softly, I gazed into the mirror with tired eyes. Hopefully Camila can cut me some slack today because I am in no mood for her shit.

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