Chapter XIII - Over-Hearing Conversations

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(a/n: the video is just some medieval town ambiance I found and thought it'd be cool to include but it's up to you. Hope you enjoy this chapter 😊)

"Bakugoouuu when are we going to get theeerrre?" (Y/n) asked.

"I don't know. And you're not the one walking us there. So shut up," Bakugou replied.

"But I'm booooored,"

"Well I can't do anything about it dumbass!" He growled.

(Y/n) pouted and rested her head on Bakugou's right shoulder. "You're no fun,"

Bakugou smirked. "You're pouting right now, aren't you PoutyFace?"


Bakugou rolled his eyes but (y/n) couldn't see it. Eventually, the rhythm of Bakugou's walking has lulled her to sleep.

"Oi, we're almost at the gate. You might want to get off now,"

Bakugou got no response.

"Oi, (y/n), get the fuck off,"


Bakugou stopped and tried to turn his head as much as (y/n) allowed him to with her head on his shoulder. He raised his eyebrow and waited for her to speak up, but he only heard her slow and light breathing in his ear.

"Oi! If you don't get off yourself I'm letting go and dropping you!" He groaned.

Bakugou soon then heard her take a sharp breath in, and then a slow one out. "Alright Jesus I'm getting off,"

As the gate was beginning to get closer and closer, (y/n) hugged the cape closer to her body. It was a little cold out, and considering she's practically naked under the cape, she was beginning to feel self conscious.

"You guys don't look familiar. You're not from around here are you?" A guard asked as they approached.

(Y/n) lightly grabbed and squeezed his hand; her way of telling him 'I got this'.

"No, we are not. We came in hopes of purchasing clothes and a new bow for me, sir,"

The guard looked her up and down and quickly understood the situation.

"What are your names?" He asked.

(Y/n) bowed. "I am (y/n) and this is Bakugou, sir,"

He looked in-between the two of them and raised an eyebrow. "Is there any relation between you two?"

"We're married." Bakugou said before (y/n) got the chance to speak. (Y/n) blushed, but her eyes stayed glued on the guard.

"And what Kingdom do you come from?"

"This guy asks too many questions..." (Y/n) mentally sighed.

"Under Todoroki," Bakugou spoke again.

The guard eyed Bakugou and (y/n) a few more times before yelling to open the gate. Upon entering, Bakugou and (y/n) immediately heard just how noisey it was. The streets weren't crowded, but it was definitely a lively place.

"I don't want to stay any longer then we have to so let's get the things we need and get out." (Y/n) whispered to Bakugou.

"Agreed," He replied.

As they looked around, (y/n) took notice of how many people were staring; more so at her than the both of them. Before (y/n) was able to say anything though, Bakugou roughly grabbed her wrist and pulled her inside a shop.

"Hello! What can I help you with today?" A girl with long green hair asked as she noticed the two walk in; getting up from a chair behind a wooden counter.

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