Chapter 6: A Stranger Behind

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I laugh hard when Sally squirts out the paint and it comes out on her face, making her look like a clown. She also had a goofy grin on her face, enjoying her own clumsiness.

"I expect you all had fun this summer vacations? Yes, kids?" the teacher asks the class while sitting on a chair, her hands resting on her lap and everyone turns to the teacher.

"Yes, teacher!" class echoes.

"We have a new friend joining us from today. Come on in child." the teacher says, looking towards the classroom door and everyone's eyes direct in the same direction.

Someone hesitantly walks into the class with their head lowered towards the ground.

"everyone say hi to our new fellow." the teacher says, smiling at the class and the class erupts with 'hi's'.

"Don't be shy child, introduce yourself."He hesitantly straightens himself and looks up at the class

Not again. This brat!

His gaze lands on me and his brows turn into a frown. He averts his gaze to the other kids and never looks back at me. The brat introduces himself to everyone and continues to talk, shyly.

"... I'm six years old and I came here from the city a month ago." the class echoes with awes at the mention of the city.

"Dear, tell us about your likes and dislikes." the teacher asks him.

"I love chocolates and blue color. I don't like banana it makes me puke and... I guess that's it." he shrugs.

Banana is his favorite. Check.

"Let's see who would like to be your friend first." teacher looks at the class, searching expectantly and mostly everyone is raising their hands.

Of course, except for me.

"Sarah, Come and take your friend with you and help him around." teacher smiles at me, her eyes twinkling with joy.

WHAT?! Seriously? Did I do something wrong to you to earn this punishment?

I fidget in my seat. When I look at him, he has an evil grin plastered on his face.

I bet he has something bad in his mind, I've got to think something fast too.

I move towards him and extend my hand to shake with his. He takes my hand, I grip his hand tighter than necessary and he squirms in pain.

"Come on FRIEND, we have lots to play," I say, faking up a smile and drag him to my table and push him to the seat beside me.

"Owhh!" he squirms while soothing his hand that I shook before.

"Let's start painting kids and as I promised before, the best three paintings are going to be on the board." the teacher claps her hand while the class breaks into 'yay's'. "So do your best kids and Sarah help the boy with everything." I nod sweetly at the teacher and provide the brat a paper unwillingly, more like shoved the paper towards him.

I don't believe I'm sharing my stuff with him.

He looks at me and smiles but I know it's a fake one. He takes the stuff and starts painting and I carry on with mine.

After a while, I finish my painting and move towards the sink to wash my hands like the teacher instructed everyone to do after painting. I dried my hands with the towel next to the sink and went back to my table.

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