TS last part three

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Next morning Abhi came to shop with Purab.. Pragya is not come yet..
Abhi- hi Disha, good morning & he looked here & there.. started checking out whole shop for Pragya..
Disha wish him back, & she understands, what he look for, she say- she not came yet..
Abhi didn't listen her proper- what..
Disha- Pragya, she not came yet.. she'll be late..
Purab- why??
Disha- who are you?
Abhi- ahhh, he is my friend Purab..
Purab smile- hi..
Disha smile back- hello..
Abhi- why she came late..
Disha- she went for an admission, she came to noon..
Abhi- admission for what!!
Neh- pastry chef! She wants to become pastry chef.. so she went to hotel management for admission..
Abhi- ohh ok, then I'm leaving now.. we meet on noon..
Disha- wait a minute..
Abhi- what!
Disha- your cake piece, Pragya leave this for you..
Abhi- keep here, I'll eat on noon, in front of her..
Disha smile- ok..
Abhi went towards his work, Abhi pull Purab, Purab nodded in no, Abhi give him ‘what’ look,  Purab sign him go, & Abhi went from there..

Disha look Purab stood in shop still, she ask him- why you still here..
Purab- here in your shop, no board, or a sign that, can't people stood in shop..
Disha- you can't stood here without any reason..
Purab- ok, then give me one pastry..
Disha give him pastry..
Purab- can we friends..
Disha in stern voice- may I know you.. no..
Purab- ok then, I'm Purab Khanna, & I started like you, at a first sight..
Disha looked at him in shock- are you mad..
Purab- yes I'm, before I met you.. I was bit of mad.. after I met.. I'm totally gonna..
Disha fed up with his babbling- get out, came with only Abhi sir..
Purab- listen to me..
Disha- I just said you, get out..
Purab went from there with dull mood..

At noon Pragya came to shop..
Pragya with smile- hello Disha..
Disha smile back- hi, your work done..
Pragya- yupe, Abhi didn't came yet..
Disha- he'll came within hour..
Pragya didn't understand what she says- didn't understand, what you say..
Disha- he came on morning.. he said me, he came on noon..
Pragya- ok..

At office Abhi & Purab doing there work..
Abhi- Purab, where is my that box..
Purab confused tone- which box??
Abhi- my memories!!
Purab- may be store room..
Abhi- office or home..
Purab- office..
Abhi- ok, I want that box right now..
Purab- why you want now..
Abhi- for Marshmallow..
Purab- suddenly, what strike in your mind..
Abhi- yes I want to meet her, suddenly..
Purab called to peon & told him to search ‘my memories box’ a hour later peon came with box..

Abhi open that box & search one picture, a group picture of there camp..
Abhi show to Purab- see these is Marshmallow..
Purab- who? She, (he point to the girl who with 2 ponytail white ribbon), 12 years ago she look so pretty, don't know how she look now.. & you don't even remember her name too.. if someone one ask you about her real name, what you gave them answer, Marshmallow. .
Abhi- can we go to school, show them these picture & ask her real name to them..
Purab- we leave our work for your Marshmallow.. a workaholic the Abhi Mehra leave his work.. it's unique day..
Abhi- yaa so..
Purab- if she married, then..
Abhi- then.. only we meet her, that's it..
Purab- if she single.. then..
Abhi- then I give her answer.. about her 'I like you’..
Purab- just think.. ok.. if she not look good.. then..
Abhi- I don't mind.. I give my answer, that's it..
Purab- ok, then what will your answer..
Abhi- I didn't think about that..
Purab- ok..
Abhi- now came, we are going for coffee..
Purab- these time coffee..
Abhi- I want to eat my cake piece..
Purab- then why you're saying coffee..

TS on abhigya: Cake Shop Wali Love Story...حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن