Chapter 10

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"You know , you are really unfit.." Mohak said looking at my panting self , smiling slightly.
While I was breathing heavily , the run hadn't affected him a bit.
He must go to gym. That would also explain his physique..
"Thanks for..for stating the obvious." I said scowling at him and still panting hard.
" It was barely even 30 metres " he added and continued smiling.
I rolled my eyes sitting on one of the two swings , my hands clutched the ropes .
I was just relieved that the awkwardness between us a few minutes ago was gone.
How could I be so stupid to let that happen? From here onwards , think before you do something ridiculous , Meera!
I scolded myself in my mind.
Mohak also sat on the nearby swing.
Just then my phone in my sling bag beeped loudly.
I opened it to see a text message from Soniya .
"Where are you ?
One second I saw you were sitting on the couch and next second , you were gone."
Before I could reply she sent a new one.
" I looked for you everywhere , in the hall , in kitchen... i don't know where else you can go in this big place..I am scared now , where are you ?"
"Who is it ? " Mohak asked me looking at my phone.
" Soniya. She is asking where am I ."
I told him while replying her.
" Don't worry dear. I am with Mohak right now the back garden of this house.
"Sorry. I should have texted you.." I added.
She instantly replied ,
"Oh forget it now...
Thank God Mohak is with you ! By the way, tell him Aarav was looking for him. Mohak's Dad called on Aarav's phone ."
"Okay ,will tell dear.
Coming in the hall right now.
Stay there please. Bye."
I stood up from the swing and looked at Mohak .
"your Dad called on Aarav's phone."
As I told him this , he also stood abruptly from his seat .
" What ? Why ? " he started examining his jeans pockets for something , a frown on his face.
"Sh*t ! My phone is not with me .That's why he called on his phone.."
" Are you sure your phone is not with you ?"
I asked him. He just nodded , again checking his pockets, looking distressed.
I know the panic of not finding your phone...
I put mine in my sling bag , hanging it around my right shoulder and I put my hand on his shoulder ,
" Let's go in the hall and find it . It must be somewhere in there only."
He just nodded and we started walking our way back inside the house.
When we reached hall , my ears were relieved to find that the music was now low in volume . Instead of the energetic dances , many couples engrossed in themselves were seen swaying slowly with the rhythm of music and doing things I would rather not mention..
I averted my eyes from those people.
I am never coming to parties after seeing this..
Some people were seen collapsed on the couches and the hall was less packed as compared to when we went outside .
I was just going to ask Mohak where did he last saw his cellphone when a hand shot in front of Mohak's face clutching an i-phone, " Are you by any chance looking for this ? "
" Oh thank God , Aarav." Mohak visibly relaxed seeing the phone and smiled at him.
" Where did you find it ? Oh , leave that , what did my father said ?"
Mohak asked him worriedly while putting his phone in his pocket.
" Nothing much. He wants you at home as soon as possible." Aarav spoke looking at his nails.
Did I sense some bitterness in his tone?
"Judging by the 16 missed calls , it would be as usual something minor."He added looking somewhat angry.
" Leave it , bro. He is my father." Mohak replied grimly.
I was feeling confused by their conversation but it was not my place to ask them personal questions.
I started scanning my surroundings for Soniya and I spotted her doing the same some distance away .
I waved my hand at her , she noticed me and started making her way in between the dancing couples.
"I should get going now." Mohak said looking between me and Aarav , smiling.
Aarav extended his hands to hug him and they hugged while Mohak patted on his back.
Then he turned to me and said ,
"Bye Meera. Sorry for the phone incidence.You were enjoying in the garden.. "
" Oh it's no big deal. What are friends for ?" I said playing with the strap of my slingbag on my shoulder.
He smiled a breathtaking smile at me
And unexpected to me , hugged me too.
I just stood there at first only blinking and then I returned the hug , a big smile spreading involuntarily on my face.
I didn't know how long would it be considered appropriate for friends to hug..
Someone cleared their throat and I think that was the cue , I pulled away , my cheeks blushing like they were on fire...
I looked to see Aarav looking at us amused and Soniya standing near him slightly glaring at him .
" Did you have to interrupt? " She said to him , not completing her sentence but I perfectly knew what she was talking about..
" Sorry Ma'am " he said looking at her but still smiling.
Realising that I am looking at her , she also started looking at me and Mohak amused.
" bye guys " Mohak told us disregarding all the stares and went out of the front door without even waiting for reply.
Did I imagined the slight blush on his face?
"Bye ." I muttered looking at his retreating figure.
"Bye bye ." Soniya replied but still looking at me amused.
Am I still blushing ?
Oh God !
Just act like you aren't .
Say something quick to divert their attention.
" Umm...I think I should get going too. Thanks for the party. " I told Aarav smiling at him.
His smile got replaced by a frown , " Already ? It's just " he looked at his Rolex wristwatch , "nine only."
" Yeah , I really enjoyed the party but I told my parents I will come home by 9:30." I told him shrugging my shoulders guiltily.
" Okay beautiful , as you say."
He smiled at me .
" I think , I will go too." Soniya said hesitantly looking at him.
"Everyone is leaving this poor Aarav " he said pouting a bit.
Soniya started giggling and I just rolled my eyes .
After some seconds he sighed and said , " Okay fine. " he then added ,
" Just let me drop you two at home then" pulling his car key from his jeans  pocket.
" Oh no no..No need of that . We are perfectly fine going by local train. Both of our homes are on same line. " I assured him smiling.
" Yeah , the route is familiar and you have a party to take care. We will go by ourselves." Soniya said adjusting her red hairbelt which prevented her lovely but big curly hair from falling on her forehead.
" By the way , I really enjoyed the party , it was awesome.Thanks for inviting me." She added smiling at him.
" It's no problem Princess , be ready for more to come. " He said winking at her.
And no wonder , she blushed.
I think I am not the only one with a crush to hide.I thought smiling.
"Let me atleast accompany you both to the door." Aarav said putting his right hand on Soniya's shoulder.
We all started towards the door.
" Don't forget to text me when you reach home , girls !"
With that we bid him a good bye.

A/N :-
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Aren't they all so cute ?
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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2018 ⏰

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