Chapter 44 - A Priest To Question

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"Can't believe I'm sitting here discussing this with you two.." grumbled the detective but at the same time, he needed all the help he could get.

He pulled out his cigarette pack from his breast pocket. He looked fairly young to be a detective as though he just turned 30; he barely had any stubble across his chin and his brown eyes seemed dulled and tired, his hair was a thick brown that seemed messy as though he never combed it. He always carried around this annoyed and irritated face anywhere he went which put off a lot of people.

"You can't smoke that here!" Anne scolded him from across the table. She had managed to get a hold of Zach, putting aside their own drama in order to meet and speak face to face with the detective.

He stared at her with blank eyes and then put back the pack in his pocket. "Well fuck! Let's order coffee then! Ma'am!" he looked around for the waitress.

Anne dropped her head in her hands embarrassed, "Oh my god he's so rude," she muttered rubbing her temples. Taking a quick glance over at Zach, his under eyes were dark again from the lack of sleep.

The waitress came over, "Welcome, can I take-"

"Yea um I'll have coffee. Black. And for these have like a kids menu?"

Zach turned to the waitress and also ordered a coffee.

"I'm fine for now," Anne said and the waitress walked away, her expression confused by the odd party of 3.

"So, ya'll gunna tell me what it is you know that you think I don't know?" the man leaned back into the booth, "May I remind you as well that these cases are confidential and if you're holding out on information that's against-"

"Yes yes yes!" Anne waved her hand cutting him off, "We just want to be able to piece everything together, honestly this town acts remorseful but it's like no ones really done anything since Juliet disappeared."

Zach leaned forward towards him, with all the seriousness he could muster he asked the man sternly, "What information do you have on my sister and Elizabeth?"

The detective sighed heavily, he cupped his hands together over the table and looked down at his hands.

"At the moment, Zachary, in all's as though both of them disappeared without a trace."

The words him Zach like a pile of bricks.

"I know this must be hard for you to hear, and I am going to be 100% honest with you, we received hundreds of leads but none of them turned up anything."

Zach's hands clenched tightly on the table, Anne could see his knuckles turning white.

"We have less information about Elizabeth than we do about Juliet though," he said with raised eyebrows, "But when I spoke to your parents about the possibility that she was involved in some kind of drug-"

Zach slammed the table with his flat hand, "She's not like that!"

The table got quiet, even the waitress that brought their drinks came back too nervous to get close to them.

The detective narrowed his eyes at the missing girl's brother, "Were you even aware of her deteriorating health conditions? I spoke to her professors and her friends, they all agreed that something wasn't right with her right before she went missing."

Zach gritted his teeth, he knew he shouldn't get angry at him but he couldn't help it, "I was aware but she would never take drugs ok? You didn't know her so of course you wouldn't understand!"

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