Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Thunder rumbled furiously over us, practically shaking the bus with its strength as Coach stood from his seat to blow his whistle at Andy.

"Back to your seat!" He yelled to Andy. Andy rolled his eyes, huffing, as he sat back down.

I was currently seated in between Stiles and Scott. Since the fight, neither of them wanted to be apart. I leaned my head against Scott's shoulder, closing my eyes.

Instead of seeing the darkness of my eyelids, I saw Derek falling and looking into my eyes as I slid to the edge of the metal floor, trying to grab him. I nearly fell over the edge of it weren't for Scott holding onto my waist tightly, keeping the both of us from falling.

"Scott. Yo, Scotty, Katherine, you guys with me?" My eyes snapped open and I nodded silently.

Scott nodded too, wrapping an arm around my shoulders, causing us both to wince, "Yeah! Sorry, what's the next word?" He asked.

Stiles looked down to his paper, "Anachcronism."

Scott took a breath, "Something that exists out of its normal time."

Why the hell are we studying when we should be kicking some alpha pack ass?

"Nice," Stiles nodded, "okay umm.. Incongruous."

Does it mean messed up and pissed off to the point of murder? Because I'm currently feeling this. A lot.

"Um, can you use it in a sentence?" Scott asked.

Stiles nodded looking annoyed,"Yes, yes I can." He said matter of factly, "It's completely Incongruous that we're sitting on a bus right now on our way to some stupid cross country meet after what just happened.. Incongruous."

Out of place.

"Out of place, ridiculous, absurd." Scott told him looking at me sadly.

"Perfect. Okay next word. Uh, Darach. Darach, it's a noun." Stiles trailed off.

Seriously, Stiles?

The night with Derek replayed with Isaac joining Scott and I, me getting slashed in the stomach. Me and Scott slashing Ennis' leg.. Ennis falling and taking Derek with him. My body collapsing in pain as I watched Derek die.

I shook my head, rubbing my face as I sent Stiles a thoroughly annoyed look.

"We have to talk about it sometime, okay?" He said, "We're gonna be stuck on this thing for, like, five hours, so why not?" Stiles told us, his tone slightly annoying me.

Scott and I just held onto each other, not saying anything.

Stiles cleared his throat, "Okay, um, next word, Intransigent."

"Stubborn, obsinent-" Scott and I groaned as the bus hit a bump, rattling the both of us. I felt my wound reopen and the blood started running down my side.

Stiles looked at us,"Hey, guys? You okay?"

We let out a breath as Stiles went on, "We shouldn't have come. I knew it, we shouldn't have come!" Stiles panicked "We definitely should not have come!"

Scott looked at him, "We had to. There's safety in numbers."

"Yeah well there's also death in numbers, okay?! It's called a Massacre- Bloodbath, Carnage, Slaughter, Butchery. Wow, tha-"

"Shut up!" I groaned, my voice hoarse, "You're so annoying."

Stiles gasped, "Wha-"

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