Chapter Twenty-One {She's Rude}

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I woke up to darkness and a heaviness on my chest. But the weight wasn't from the inside, the weight was from the mess blond-haired boy that had his head laid on my chest while breathing lightly, his one arm under his ear while his other rested on my stomach, while both his legs were curled close to my thigh.

I wanted to close my eyes and try to get more sleep and wanted to know what time it was. But I couldn't peel my eyes away from the beautiful boy laying on my chest. His mouth half open as he breathed out hot air, his fingers curling every few seconds like they were trying to hold onto something. His leg stretched out and he let out the faintest moan before nuzzling his face deeper into my chest and mumbling something. It was at that moment I lifted my eyes and tried to read his alarm clock. 5:28 AM. Yawning I turned my head wrapping an arm tightly around Henry before dozing back to sleep.

The second time I woke up I was alone, Henry's side of the bed was cold, but I knew he wasn't far because of the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs. I yawned stretching my arms over my head before the door opened and I looked over to sleep a tired looking Henry walking back into the room with his glasses on and hair in a messy ponytail. In each hand, he held a mug and he carefully walked over placing both on his desk before looking at me with a lopsided smile. "It's just hot chocolate. I normally have a cup in the morning." He looked me over, putting one mug on the nightstand when I sat up. "So.. are you going to tell me what you were doing walking alone at midnight in the middle of a rainstorm?"

"I'll tell you, when you tell me what you were doing driving around alone, at midnight in the middle of a rainstorm." I grinned, taking a sip of the rich hot chocolate, and I mean rich. Because Henry had money and who knows, maybe I was drinking hot chocolate mixed with gold. Ok, maybe not gold, but silver.

Henry smirked, taking his mug and moving to the side of the bed, prompting me to scoot over and make some room for him. "I was just dropping Tara off at home. She'd stayed over late to help me with a project we have but she has a family thing this morning and couldn't stay the night."

"What's the project for?"

"Human Sexuality. Don't change the subject, your turn."

"I was actually at Harmony's," I said, watching as Henry's face fell just a bit, but he seemed to catch himself and tried to stay stock. "I broke up with her."

"What? Why?"

"What do you mean why?" I laughed taking another sip of hot chocolate.

"Matthew, you better not have broken up with her because of this... I don't even know what this is! Call her. Do you want to call her? I should have her number somewh-" I couldn't help the chuckle that slipped past my lips as Henry stood up looking frantically for his phone. Reaching up I snatched his arm pulling him back onto the bed. He bounces a few times as his knees bent and he sat looking at me with wide, panicking eyes.

"I broke up with her because she's rude and she can't keep my dick up"


"What?!" By this point, I couldn't keep the smile off my face as Henry stood up again, his face red. "It's true!" I put my hot chocolate to the side and grabbed his hand again, pulling him back down, but this time he lost his balance and ended up in my lap with one hand on the other side of me to keep himself up, his face just a few inches from my own. "Hello there," I smirked.

"Matthew this is ridiculous." But he made to effort to move as I looked from his eyes to his lips.

"I know," I mumbled. "Henry... is there something wrong with me?"

"Why would you think that?" Our voices were low, Henry had straightened himself out but kept himself in my lap, his hand finding its way to the small hairs on the nape of my neck.

Something must've been wrong with me. I couldn't learn simple shit, I could focus on anything. Nothing but Henry. He took up all my focus. Everything about him, it was perfect. But with that thought, it left me with more questions. Was I gay? Bi? Pan? What did that mean for me? Was I ever really into girls?

Or was it always Henry?

Henry waited for me to reply. But I couldn't find the words to answer him. So I just watched him, studied his face, his eyes, that little mole under his lip. I watched him as he watched me wondering if I had feelings for him this whole time. It would make sense, the jealousy I felt when our friendship fell apart. The pain I felt when Liam and Brody picked on him while I just stood and watched. I wanted to erase everything anyone has ever done to wrong him, I wanted to go back in time and kiss his wounds, feel his heartbeat as I help repair him, steal him away from his mother and get her help while I hid him from the darkness she puts him through. I wanted to so much.

But I guess there was only so much I could do now because I couldn't erase it. There was nothing I could do other than put my hand on his neck and pull him closer until our lips touched.

Kissing Henry was one of the most amazing things I'd ever felt, the way his lips molded with mine, the way his hand glides slowly up my chest during the slow kiss.

It was perfect. It wasn't like kissing anybody else. Because it was Henry.

And maybe it always was Henry.

And maybe it always was Henry

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