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Sophia grace is now 5 months old and I found out she's a witch. which is why I have to keep her safe.

I was Sophia room sitting in a rocking chair feeding Sophia a bottle. I heard the door open and close i lifted my head and said "Elijah is that you?" I didn't hear answer I started to get worried. I stood up and put Sophia in her crib and casted a boundary spell so no one could get to her. I went downstairs and grabbed a kitchen knife and went around the house. I heard Sophia start crying so I ran up the stairs and saw Stefan sitting in the rocking chair.

"stef. what are you doing here?" I asked

"what? I can't see my niece?" he replied with a little anger in his voice. I noticed something was off about him.

"your humanity was turned off" I said

"ding ding ding we have a winner" he said sarcastically.

"get away from Sophia Stefan" I said walking closer

he stood up and gave a evil smile

"or what Madison" he said. I never heard my full name come out of my mouth

he tried to go to the crib but the boundary spell was keeping him away.

Sophia started getting fussy so I lifted my hand up toward Stefan and threw him to the wall. I stopped the boundary spell and picked up Sophia and ran out of the room. I ran to the door but Stefan came and blocked my way.

"well make this easy Maddy. give me Sophia"

I held Sophia closer to me and backed away and said "no Stefan... why are you acting like this? why do you want Sophia?" he didn't answer. instead I saw a flash and I saw Stefan on the floor with a stake in his chest and Damon standing over him

"dammy" I said

he smiled and said "sorry about that. cade turned Stefan humanity off" I nodded my head.

Damon grabbed Stefan and took him back to the boarding house.

I sighed and looked at Sophia and said "welcome to craziness Sophia"

hey guys I'm back and will be updating more soon

teenage Salvatore (sequel to baby Salvatore)Where stories live. Discover now