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It's been a week since the first punch and it's only gotten worse. They don't invite me to meals and don't even call me down for food, I haven't eaten anything proper and I barely get to leave my room anymore. At least tomorrow we are leaving for our summer package in Saipan!

I woke up this morning with a really bad headache and a fine layer of sweat spreading through my whole body.

'Maybe I should go see manager sejin and ask him to take me to the pharmacy' I think to myself.

So I get ready, and as I walk down I see them all sitting round the table like a family. Without me.

"Guys I'm just going see Manager Sejin Hyung." I spoke up. They didn't say anything or look at me.

'Maybe they didn't hear? They are laughing pretty loud...'

"Guys! I'm leaving.." I said once more. I sighed and just left, not caring if they noticed because when have they ever cared?


We went to the Pharmacy and got dome painkillers for my headache and Managernim cooked me some soup to help me feel a bit better.

As soon as I got to the dorm and opened the door I hear footsteps, I mentally sigh knowing what's going to happen.


"B-but I did.." I said.

"SHUT IT! DONT YOU DO IT AGAIN DAMN IT!" Hoseok yelled from across the room.

"i-i was with manag-"

"Are you not listening to me?" Namjoon said

"I-Erm sorry?" I said confused.


Namjoons POV

"JUST SHUT UP! God, i've already got a headache to deal with, i am NOT dealing with YOU too!" I heard Taehyung yell. As he walked past he punched the wall, clearly in anger leaving a huge dint there.

I just stood there silent with my eyes wide open. I was shook. He stormed upstairs, and after I had time to process what just happened I went and sat down next to Hobi.

"What was that..." Jimin said looking at me, I'm guessing he saw what happened because his eyes were equally as large as mine a few seconds ago.

"I... have no idea" I said truthfully. I've never seen Taehyung do that before. It's definitely not like him.

Taes POV

As soon as I had hit that wall, I stepped back and ran to my room, locked the door and curled in a ball as the darkness was consuming me.


I woke up and looked at the time
'11 o'clock!? WE ARE LEAVING IN 30 MINS! SHIT' I mentally curse myself as I grab my pre-packed suitcase and just threw in that last little things I needed into my carry on. I changed my clothes and put on a hoodie and trousers and quickly went downstairs.

 I changed my clothes and put on a hoodie and trousers and quickly went downstairs

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