Part 6

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Happy Birthday, a song sung every day of the year because it is always someone's birthday. It seems so cheery. I love the sound of it. It is one of those human things that bring all different types of people together. I always was fond of things like that. They brought a sense of hope to my soul that if we could unify over one thing maybe we could do so over more. Sometimes, things like happy birthdays can trigger sadness especially on a day of loss. So when Lissa started crying when she heard a table sing happy birthday, I immediately understood there was a loss.

"Lissa, Are you ok?"

"No, this is my mom's birthday."

"I am so sorry. I can't begin to understand what this like but I am here to support you in anyway I can."

"I just need time, space. Do you mind going to her grave? I have something for her."

"No not all."

We went there after our lunch. Lissa was quiet the whole way. I didn't know what to say to her or if there was anything to say. She laid a small bouquet of Daisies on her mother's grave.

"Daisies were her favorite," she said with a small and weak smile.

"Oh, well they're beautiful."

"We should sing. I know it seems weird, but I want to sing."

We sang a sober Happy Birthday together. Our voices rising and falling in the air of the spring winds. After we were done, she sat there crying which subsequently turned into weeping. The wound of the loss still fresh as it had been less than a year ago. I went to comfort her. My arm wrapping around her shoulders shielding her from chilly air. We sat there in the silence for quite a bit. I stayed with her not saying a single word. All I could do was love her, but I couldn't bring her mom back. So love her is what I did. 

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