chapter sixteen

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Nina's pov

I can't believe this. I can't believe her. I can't believe Demi. It's been nearly two hours since we arrived at LAX airport and she's already letting me alone walking down the streets of Los Angeles so she can spend some time with her boyfriend. Damn.. I'm fourteen. Guess she doesn't care about me at all. Of course I do love freedom but you don't let a fourteen year old walking alone in a really big city where she has never been before? I did really thought things were getting better between me and Demi  after that letter but Demetria is turning back as a devil again. Maybe that's my own fault but well fuck her.

I have been walking for an hour as I arrive at some skate park. Immediately there's a boy ,a typical playboy with his blue eyes and blond hair, walking towards me.

"Hey, I have never seen you before." He winks at me.

I roll my eyes at him, showing that I'm not interested. "Yeah I'm new, I guess."

"Come walk with me towards my friends. I'm Brad by the way." He says and shakes my hand and kiss it while bowing a little. Oh well.

"Nina" I say and follow him to his friends.

As we arrive there I see two other boys ,both sitting on a skateboard, and a girl ,who is sitting on a pennyboard.

"I brought someone" Brad announce as he gives them all a high five.

"Yay finally another girl joining the group. I'm Samantha but I will burry you alive if you call me like that. It's Sam for you." She says being dead serious.

"Taylor." One of the boys says while holding up his hand for a high five.

"Liam it is." The other boy says, looking a bit more shy than the rest of the group.

"I'm Nina." I say while giving them all a smile.

"Wait! I recognize you from somewhere." Taylor says and I frown not remembering that I have ever saw him before. "You were on the tv this morning, arriving at the airport with that singer err... what's her name again? Debbie Lavato or something?" he continues.

I laugh at him speaking out Demi's name. "Yeahyeah, Demi Lovato she's my mom kinda... She doesn't really act like that and err... I just found out."

"So err.. Nina you have a skateboard or a pennyboard so can skate with us?" Liam asks.

"Yeah you should really skate with us." Sam says.

They all nod, not paying attention at the subject 'Demi' anymore.

"Well I love skating and I used to have a skateboard back in Texas but it broke."

"You are a from Texas? Texas has some hot girls then." Brads says.

I roll my eyes at him. "Texas also has some gay girls like me" 

Brad blushes while Liam and Taylor high five each other and Sam looks at me from head to toes while bitting her lip. Okay...

"Well err... anyways we should get you some skatebord since there's a mall behind this park." Brad says.

"But I have no money with me."

"Oh but that's no problem, Come with me." Taylor orders me and he turns his attention to the others. "We will be back in ten minutes."

Everyone smirks and look at them with a confused expression at my face, not knowing what to think about it but Taylor grabs my hand and run with me towards the mall, which is straight behind the skate park.

"What do you want. A skateboard or a pennyboard?" He asks as we arrive some toyshop.

"Wait but how?"

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