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Dominic was done with work for the week. "Fuck the corporation," he said to himself as he took a seat on a game chair in front of the flat-screen television that sat on a mahogany table in front of a twenty-two year old guy that was still wearing a work shirt, and khakis. He stretched out his arm to press the "start" button on his Play Box U.

The Fatal Mask, the game being broadcasted on the screen, was a horror game that Dominic loved playing the past week. Although it was a tough game to complete, he didn't care. It was a great escape from all the stress Poseidon Company provided him every week day. Plus, he loved a great scare in large portions every now and then.

An array of different colored lizard with imposing masks, chased Dominic's character down a corroder in an abandoned school building. The objective was to save the man trapped in the gymnasium. Dominic was intensely engaged with the game, but his body said otherwise considering how relaxed it appeared in the comfy chair. By the time he made it to the gymnasium, he sat up to focus even better on what is going on in the game.

"The ghost of Sarah Welsh. Let's duke it out bitch," Dominic said, getting his thumbs ready to start pressing buttons rapidly once the cutscene is over.

Dominic, and the video game hero, Tara Wind, brought a good fight against the ghastly monster. The boss ended up proving to be too much for the fantasy duo, and tore Tara's heart right out of her chest. Then, she started to chew on it very slowly, which made Dominic feel slightly grossed out.

The disturbing part of the scene is that it did not end in just a few short seconds. It kept going. The ghostly Sarah Welsh continued to gobble down Tara's heart, even making slurping sounds as she sipped on the blood. It did not stop there, as she went over to Tara's collapsed body to feed away on her legs. Dominic had enough of this whole charade.

Dominic got up and tapped on the side of the television with his bare hand, and said, "Hey! What is going on here?!"

The hungry ghost stopped feasting on Tara's corpse, and turned her bloody face in Dominic's direction. Dominic took a step back from the television, fearing the pixel specter. He gulped, staring intensely at the screen to watch out for any other sudden movements.

Sarah cracked her neck to the side, stopping for dead silence. Dominic felt the immense dread that dripped sadly from her eyes. She snapped her head back with another loud crack, and began walking forward in a manic pace. Dominic did not bother to wait for her arrival, and immediately ran towards the open doorway. He needed to get far away from here.

The door closed shut in Dominic's face, an unknown dark force prevented him from escaping the terror within the room.

There was no way for Dominic to predict what was going to happen next based off the logic of how the universe works yet, he knew that Sarah was going to come right out of the T.V. screen. There's no way anyone or anything could come out of a videogame. A bloody, decrypt hand came forth from the television screen, proving the impossible fact wrong. Dominic banged his fists against the door as another limb came creeping out.

Sarah's face slowly turned from pixels to flesh and blood. Her neck cracked loudly at Dominic's direction, sending shivers down his spine. Dominic tried to kick the door down but, all actions were fruitless. The ghostly specter was almost fully out, ready to strike down the next victim. The situation was helpless yet, Dominic refused to give up.

By the time Sarah Welsh's body was fully out of the television screen, Dominic's hands were bloody, and his feet were numb from constantly banging against the paranormal door. Dominic collapsed on the ground, feeling tired and out of breath. Sweat dripped down onto the floor. Wheezing sounds could be heard from both sides of the room.

Sarah Welsh cracked her neck back into place, and simply stared at her next victim.

Dominic turned back to face his enemy. "What?! Are you waiting for me beg for my life! To grovel at your feet! To show how scared I am on the inside! Never! I'll make sure killing me will give you no satisfaction!" he shouted.

Dominic picked up a nearby tennis racket, and charged at the ghost. It was no surprise to him when he found himself being strangled by Sarah's bloodied hand. He slammed the tennis racket against her face, but it had no effect. She's a ghost after all. It was hopeless to keep struggling yet, he did.

The smacking stopped after Sarah bit off his nose. Blood gushed forth, spraying onto the floor but not onto the ghost's face. Sarah continued to feast upon Dominic's face, not even caring about the constant screams of agony. The messed up part, is that she made sure to keep him alive as she continued to tear away at his flesh with her bare teeth.

The last part Sarah ate were his lungs.

The next day, cops burst into the room to see Dominic's body full of missing parts. One of the police men puked from seeing a half-eaten pair of balls on the floor. A detective, Deborah Eastwood, found the scene to be quite perplexing. There were no animal tracts, or footprints on the floor. There was no sign of a break-in. Not even a trace of DNA. Yet, Dominic's neck clearly had marks of being strangled.

"I know this messed up for me to say," Deborah started to say to Natalie, Dominic's girlfriend, "but, I wish you had been here at the time of the murder so I could at least have a hint of a suspect. Sometimes I hate dealing with professional murderers."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2018 ⏰

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