|45| gotcha'

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It's like time seems to stop around us, my body freezing at his sudden confession. My fingertips turn ice cold in his hands that are holding mine.

Jimin likes me?

His charmingly dark eyes don't shift from my state while the forceful wind messily plays with his hair, brushing it to one side and falling back into place perfectly.

He's not shying away though. His eyes don't flutter nor does his lips crack into another one of his nervous laughters. I can tell he really means it.

"You like me? As in like me like me?"

He nods.

I take a deep breath and squeeze his fingers in our lock.

"Jimin I... I really like you too. But as a friend."

I wish it didn't have to come out like that. So cliché, so unappreciative. But it's the truth.

I can tell my words sting him hard. It probably took a lot of courage to say that, and it's even harder to break to him after what happened with his high school crush.

"You've made me laugh so many times tonight, you're so kind and you're always looking out for everyone. Even when we don't deserve it. I couldn't be more grateful to have met a friend like you. I'm sorry, Jimin."

He shows me a smile, but I can easily see the pain behind his pearly whites.

"It's okay. I can't force you to share my feelings, so I'll respect your answer."

Again, I'm not sure if I'm fully convinced. But if he says he's okay then who am I to dwell on the situation? We should move past this quickly, I don't want things to be awkward between the two of us.

"Thanks for understanding." I nod.

"I saw the others getting in the limo, perhaps we should go down there too." Jimin takes my hand. I put pressure on the heels of my feet to holt my movement, causing him to look back at me in confusion.

"I can't leave yet. I need to talk to Taehyung—"

"Taehyung?" His eyebrows furrow. I've never seen such an expression on Jimin's face. It's one of those 'are-you-serious?' glares.

"Look he'll meet us at the limo, let's go before the others leave without us."

"Jimin no I—!"

"There you two are." Taehyung approaches us. Jimin releases my wrist and looks away with a clenched jaw, answering Taehyung with a flat tone. "Yeah. Here we are."

"Well you can chat later. Go downstairs now before—"

"Taehyung we can't leave yet, Chrys is in trouble. Jaebum said his men were going to harm her. We have to tell Sergio."

"Who and what?" Jimin questions cluelessly.

"Alright, you get Chrys out of that room, I'll find Sergio." Taehyung orders, making me nod before he leaves. I take one step forward until Jimin's arm blocks my path, putting his foot down to catch my eyes.

"Lilo what is going on with you and Taehyung? And why is Chrys is danger? I'm getting worried."

"Jimin I barely know what's going on myself. Please just get in the limo and tell the driver to go, Taehyung and I will catch up."

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