Sky full of stars

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Ben's (POV)

I don't really sleep considering I'm dead. So I spend the night either in my room or the roof. I guess I just felt like hanging on the roof.

I was sitting there just looking at the stars when I began to fade into my mind. It was going through childhood memories

(so just an FYI Ben and you are like 17 in this and no one in the mansion ages after that so everyone stops at seventeen so there age gets winded back for the story)

It hurt to look back at them. Anger was more evident then other emotions. My mind lingered on the day I died when I was twelve.

*flash back*
I was sitting in my room playing majoras mask. I had only just got it for my birthday from my grandparents, and I nearly finished it.

I was about to move on to the final boss when I heard the monster downstairs call my muscles tightened and sweat began to form on my skin. I paused my game and made my way downstairs.

"Hurry up we're going swimming. We don't want it to get too...crowded" my father said.

"Yes sir." I replied meekly and got on m swim trunks.

///time skipppp brought to you by masky banging Toby////

We arrived at the lake. It was pretty far. We didn't go to the one we normal did. Which confuses me to no end.

"Come on Ben let's go swimmm." The man slurred.
I was about to protest when I felt him yank me to the water despite my yelps and and me begging him not to. He got so frustrated that he smashed a bottomless on my head making me go limp. He walked over to the water and threw me in. I could feel the water fill my lungs and engulf my sense. I felt so alone. I had wished my mom was still alive.

*flash back over*

He shook his head and wiped away the tears of blood pouring down his cheeks and took a shaky breath and laughed.
Be was calmly staring at the sky when he heard feet slowly approach him.

"Ben?" A voice called out. (Y/n) he thought. He turned around to look at her to find out he had guessed right.

"Hello (y/n)" he replied quietly and pared the spot next to him. She slid down clumsily and leaned her head on his shoulder letting out a yawn.

"Why are you up here" She asked"
"Just to relax and get away suppose. I don't need sleep."
"Oh" was all she replied.

A peaceful silence fell between the two. Ben was quite content to say the least. He had to admit to himself that he liked the person next to him. More then like he could even say love. He turned his head to get a better look at her face. Despite being a killer who enjoys the feeling off blood drip through his fingers, he would kill to have her. He would have her. He planned to.

That's what hell do he'll confess tomorrow after training if it means he could get her. He sighed in content. Nothing could ruin this for him.

He wrapped a arm around her waist in a "friendly" *wink* *wink* manner. (Y/n) leaned into his warm embrace and began to fall asleep. He looked down at the slightly snoring girl and smiled.ben wrapped his hoodie around her and lied down underneath the stars. Silently humming
*sky full of stars*
Nothing could ruin this moment for him. But he was unaware of the eyes that angrily watched (y/n) and the lustful smirk pointed towards him

A/N supper short story sorry bout that but I wanted to get an update for each two days in for you guys. But heh the 'person will come into play soon' and the  next chapter will either be in your POV or c-the persons POV.

glitchy magic  (ben x Reader) ~slow updates~Where stories live. Discover now