Part 8

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As you turn you blush at Zach's comment. You then noticed someone was hiding in the clothes.

"I can see your shoes," you said pointing out to them but then remembering no one can see you.

"Dang it I didn't think that one through," Jonah says in a chuckle.

"Good Morning Jonah," You said brightly.

"Morning... uh... I have a question." He said pondering.

"What's up?" you say waiting for his response.

"Are you and Zach a thing?" He slightly whispered embarrassed that he had to ask. You laughed slightly and responded, "no we just met a couple of days ago. Why do you ask?"

He thought about what you asked him. "Well you know you guys are close I mean he calls you beautiful. I mean I would too..." His voice trailed off. You slightly blushed, "you heard that?"

"Yeah, I did that why I asked you." He rubbed the back of his neck slightly embarrassed.

"Well, we are just friends. Zach's nice an all but he is way too young" You said nodding your head with a slight chuckle.

He nodded his head understanding the situation. He then walked closer to you staring into your eyes. You were looking into his beautiful blue eyes. He then wrapped his arms around your waist. You looked down and laughed he chuckled as well.

"Okay since I now know the two of you guys are just friends there is nothing wrong with me asking you out on a date?" His voice got softer with each second. You have noticed Jonah was the romantic type so this gesture made your heart flutter.

"Well, technically it's fine but... let me think about it. It's just we just met and-" Jonah cut you off from rambling on and on.

"It's okay just get back to me." He smiled down at you once again.

"You know you were right this is becoming a normal thing." You both began to laugh.

"Anything to be this close to someone so amazing and gorgeous."

[word count]: 340

Forbidden Love // Why Don't WeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora