Chapter 58 - Girl Talk

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Ethel slumps against the stairs. "I just don't get why Bri and Krys get to guard Shen while she uses the bathroom."

"It's not for her safety. It's for yours." Aiden looks at him. "You're vulnerable right now."

"I'm what?" Ethel holds his chest, sweating.

Aiden nods. "Everything she says will sound like a good idea to you, even if it's commiting treason." Aiden snaps his gaze to me. "You'd know a lot about that, wouldn't you, Mia?"

I cock my head back. Here he goes, making excuses again for why he can't resist me.

"But upstairs is so far away." Ethel frowns. "What if something happens? What if she—"

"—manages to make it five minutes without you?" Onai asks.

All the guys chuckle.

Ethel looks away, blushing. "Whatever."

"Just get over here." Aiden stares at the map on the coffee table. He circles the nursing home and the Farmer's Market at the same time Ethel sits down. That makes four people on the couch across from me—Onai, Axel, Aiden, and Ethel.

I'm in between Michael and Carson on the other couch, and Suzie's on the other side of Michael.

"So here it is," Aiden says. "We're harboring a wanted child." He looks from Axel to Carson. "Our borders are compromised." He looks from Carson to me. "And they keep threatening your life." He looks from me to Suzie. "What do you suggest, Advisor?"

"Put the kid in a cellar," Suzie says.

"A cellar?" I ask incedulously.

She nods. "Rapunzel that kid. Her pack—no—packs can tap into her head at any time, so she can't be out in the open, observing our business."

"We can't lock her away," Axel says.

"Okay, kill her as a declaration of war then. Send her over the border to die."

"How can you say that?" Ethel can't even look at her.

She shrugs. "I'm being realistic."

"You're being—" I grit my teeth and swallow the rest of what I want to say.

Michael decides to speak up at that moment. "It would benefit Fei in the long-run."

Everyone looks at him.

He stands up and puts his hand on the map, analyzing the mark-ups carefully. "Answer this. When it comes to mindlink, can you guys tell exactly where a person is?"

"It depends," Onai says.


Suzie examines the place he's looking. "Does the person know where they are? Can we tell where the place is ourselves? Things like that."

"So it's not like gps?" Michael asks.

Onai shakes his head.

"I thought so." Michael points at a few places on the map. "That's why I'm willing to bet these people don't know where Fei is, just based off the location she's seen. So if we put her somewhere concealed, like Suzie said..."

Suzie gives everyone a smug look.

I finally get what they mean. "It would eliminate the problem for now."

"Don't all start clapping at once." Suzie flips her hair over her shoulder. "I know, I know. How am I such a genius? How do I come up with these things on the spot?"

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