99- was Ryan even really invited to the wedding?

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This is just like the Josh not inviting Drake to his wedding, but maybe even more sadder.

If you read the Fake Brendon chapter, you would know that Chelsey Lynn, aka Brendonurievines on Instagram, pretended to be Brendon to Ryan for nine months and stalked the Urie's and also invited Ryan to Brendon's and Sarah's wedding.

But the thing is, is that Sarah did in fact say that Ryan was invited to the Uries wedding, but the reason why this is all so confusing is because:

1.) BUV invited Ryan to the wedding, and of course, it wasn't a real invitation
2.) Sarah declared that he was invited to the wedding
3.) Ryan was very excited for the wedding, but didn't go.

Now, who knows, maybe his invitation from the Uries got lost in the mail or something, but I just find it strange how he was so excited for the wedding, was invited by Sarah and Brendon, but didn't go.

Idk, thoughts ?

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