| 013 - Planning |

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I want to read but I need to edit

When I can fall asleep, I get out of the bed making sure not to put pressure on my side. I feels like it is getting worse by the second but I need to suck it up.

I stumble over my own feet as I make my way to the door before making my way down the hall to the main room. I look around the room, surprised to see that no one is in here but then I hear them all talking quietly among themselves.

I would have gone to my room, I swear I would have, if I didn't hear two simple word slip from someone's mouth. I move across the room to listen closer, if it's not important then I'll turn around. But they are talking about me, even if it is wrong I want to know what they are saying.

"Focus," Mr Stark says and I peak around the corner to see that they are all in the kitchen, gathered around the island. "We need to come up with a plan." He says, leaning forwards over the table. I inch into the room and move towards the table.

"Where are Clint and Nat?" Wanda asks and everyone just then seems to notice that the red head and talkative man are missing. "We shouldn't start without them," She adds and they are all quiet for a moment.

As if they had been summoned, the elevator door dings and the two adults walk into the living room. I wave a little when they turn to see me and I walk into the kitchen with them, giggling quietly to myself at their appearances.

The two adults still have some webs on them, most of it off because they must've found some way to break themselves free but they still look kind of beat up. I beat up the Black Widow. Wow.

"Hey," Mr Starks eyes look at me with a smile on his face before he looks to the adults I'm standing next too. "What happened to you two?" He nudes and Aunt Nat glares at him.

"We kind of got wrapped up," Clint huff and I can't help but laugh a little under my breath at his pun. He holds up his bow so the others can see it still had webs on it.

"Did you guys come up with a plan yet?" Aunt Nat asks, ignoring Clint's comments and looking at the other Avengers standing around in the kitchen.

Miss Pepper meets my eyes and pats the stool next to her and I walk over to her side, sitting down as they others continues speaking.

"We were going to but some people," Mr Stark says looking at Wanda specifically who just shrugs clearly not sorry, "Though we should wait for you to get here."

"We we are here now," Aunt Nat says with a sigh and moves to the table. I watch as they move papers around on the table and talk amongst each other about how they can find me. It's the funniest thing to watch.

"We could bring in De-" Vision starts to speak but Mr Stark glares at him quickly.

"No," He states and I get the feeling that he does not like De. Everyone shrugs a little before everyone goes back to talking. I sip on the cup of orange juice that Miss Pepper had given to me as they try to figure out my powers. I want to laugh because even I don't know them all so good luck with that.

"It's kind of like he could tell when we were going to attack before we even did it," Clint states his mind and I sigh because not what I did. It's Spidey senses, something I have nearly have no control over.

"It was also like he was recovering from the hits he was taking." Aunt Nat says and my eyes scan over the information that they do have, which is close to nothing. "He was also up against me and Clint at the same time,"

"What if we try to find the real him?" Mr Banner asks and I cock my head to the side actually kind of concerned. The room is take over my silence.

"We could use his voice to find him," Wanda says eventually and my shoulders lower a little, letting my slightly defensive posture relax. I don't speak around them, or anyone else, so how could they find me.

"Maybe," Steve says and I look at Mr Stark.

"No," Mr Stark says shaking his head and a small frown crosses my face. "That won't work, he probably has a way of altering his voice." He points out and I blink because I had never thought of that before.

"And we cant fingerprint him because he wears gloves," Aunt Nat trails off and I take a breath, maybe if I got some meds I would feel better but I'm not quite sure how I would get some without using my voice.

If I did my math right then my side should heal in two or three days so when I have to go back to school. I just need to keep the fact that I'm in crippling pain a secret which is going to be so fun.

"You ok Peter?" Miss Pepper asks looking at me. Her eyes meet mine then travel to my side that I am cradling slightly. As the others keep talking Aunt Nat looks at me and her eyes move back to where Miss Peppers eyes are. I shake my head no, hoping that she will just ask me if I want meds but Mr Stark must see this because he stops talking.

"We can get you some meds," He states then looks to Mr Banner. "Can you do a check up of sorts on him real quick?" Mr Stark asks and I want to scream, anxiety creeping up in my chest. What if they find out?

"Yeah," Mr Banner says hesitantly and I want to slam my head into the kitchen counter. "Just take him down to the lab and I'll be right there." He says before leaving the room and I look at Miss Pepper, begging her to change her mind.

She clearly doesn't catch on.

"Come on kid," Mr Stark smiles and I wonder what would happen if I just turned into dust, disappearing so I don't have to deal with this.

With my head hanging low and cradling my side, I follow him to the hall then to the living room shooting one last look back at the others but they are back to talking. I'm going to die.


Originally Written: 12/04/19
Republished / Rewritten: 10/16/20
Proofread By: Carly W.

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