-Part 5-

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(A/N: Korean will be typed like this. English will be typed like this. For thoughts,like 'this'.)

-Yoongi POV-

I laid in bed for a while. Just staring at Ollie's small frame. Earlier I noticed some bruising around his side while he was playing video games with Taehyung. And they were clearly not made by falling.

I reached and rubbed his soft hair. Then my hand traveled as a instinct down his side. I saw that even as he was a sleep he winched in pain. As I touched the area that is bruised, it must be bad if he can feel it through 2 blankets.

I remove my hand and move my body closer, wrapping my hands around him pulling up out of the blankets. And I whispered:

"I know your dirty little secret"


Ollie POV

I mentally screamed and panicked after he said that. What was the secret he knew?!? That I was a girl?!? No this couldn't be happening, I just started! I quickly moved out of his arms and fell off the bed. Then I heard a bunch of laughs and "are you okay?"

I got back on the bed and told Yoongi to stay on his side and I covered my self back up in the blankets and laid right on the edge of the bed trying to calm my thinking and fall asleep.


I woke up with a loud ringing sound in my ear. After confirming my stupidity and realizing it was the alarm clock. I actually looked at the time. Which made me knock it off the table because it was only 4:30. But before I could get back under the blankets. They were completely ripped right off me.

"Get up and get ready were flying out to America" yoongi said throwing a "new" suit case at me. "Its my old one, you can use it. Since you only have bags. You got 6..no 4 minutes, hurry up or we will leave without you"

I immediately jumped up, stumbling over my own feet looking like a baby deer. Grabbing one of my bags off the floor and running to the bathroom. I quickly changed, splashed water on my face and cleaned my mess.

The outfit:

I ran out the door throwing important things into my suitcase

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I ran out the door throwing important things into my suitcase. I made sure to grab my passport because I didn't want to be like Namjoon. I grabbed on of my bookbags and put some very  necessary things (phone, laptop, unicorn etc)

 I grabbed on of my bookbags and put some very  necessary things (phone, laptop, unicorn etc)

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I put my backpack on and grabbed my suit case. I practically fell down the stairs but surprisingly I didn't die. I was  about to get out the door but one of the nice staff women stopped me and offered to take my suit case. She took it for me and I followed her to the car.

She took my back pack and suit case and put it in the truck while I got in the car. But I was honestly not surprised when every single person in the van were sleeping. Of course with me climbing over their laps and stepping on their feet, it woke them up. I eventually sat next to the BTS Manager and Jimin.

Jimin was dead asleep while the Manager was on his phone. "Your father wanted me to tell you that school work and stuff involving school will be sent to you in emails" he said not even looking up. I miss my old Manager, have a better life with out me. 😓😬

Great, I still get homework.. One day in school and still homework. At least I don't have to go and embarrass my self. I take out my phone and see some new articles. The one that really scares me is the one titled "BTS HAS A NEW MEMBER?!?"

I didn't click on it. Knowing that the comments would be full of hate. And with my mental state, I figured reading those wouldn't help. Instead I watched some more BTS videos, once in a while coming across a "New Member" video.

And after seeing like 7, my curiosity got the best of me. I clicked on it and watched the video. The guy was simply saying BigHit had made a addition to the group and they have yet to say any information about the new member. He also said  his personal opinion and that was "BTS added a new member, so he must excell at many important things to match with the group that is already god like. I bet he is perfect in almost everyway and I expect a lot from him"

Then I slowly scrolled down to see some comments, the one thing I didn't want to see but still kinda wanted to.

Comments: 145k


(■) Panda_man: In all honestly, I am not happy with the new addition but if I know our boys, they must have a reason and they would want us to love the new member! Just as much as we love them. We Purple the New Member!

(#) Not_No_JamFam: I am disappointed in Army. What happened to loving all? I understand that some will be mad or upset but it doesn't give you a reason to hate the New Member. Who by the way, could contribute to the group and if he or BTS is reading this. I hope you know many Armies support you!


I stopped reading after the first few. "Don't let the hate get to you. I was there once, trust me once they see you. They will love you" Jimin whispered in my ear. "Thanks"

~~ After like 2 more hours, we finally reached the airport. We all put on our masks and went out the door. I was told to wait because the CEO didn't want to reveal me yet. So I watched as the boys went into the crowed airport and fans flooded them.

After 5 minutes, the manager walked with me into the airport holding onto my hand.  We went through customs and finally git on the plane. I sat in first class next to Taehyung. That was a mistake. The whole time he was over hyped and we were told 3 times by the flight attendants to be quiet. And I wasn't even the one talking.


We arrived in La and the airport is crowed with fans. So yet again I have to wait and leave with the Manager. I even had to take a different car, it was a taxi. We eventually got into the car and headed towards the meeting area. Which by the way I just heard we were having one like 2 minutes ago. So pray for me.


(A/N: So finally have a schedule for updating! Go check that out on my description! And the schedule will obviously change once in a while so don't be too shocked Thanks and bye!)

8th Member! | BTS x Transgender Where stories live. Discover now