Chapter 46 - Chase After Him

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[[ Reading over this chapter and chapter 47, I realized I basically wrote "fillers".

I am still working on the chapters, writing and publishing as I go along. I don't really plan out what I write ahead of time, it's just whatever I'm feeling at the moment.

That being said I may delete these chapters and just focus on other characters.

For the time being I will leave 46 and 47 Published but I may end up deleting them all together, depending where I let the story end at.

Feel free to skip these 2 fillers, thanks for reading! ]]

"Hey blondie! Over here!" called out Victor to Anne as she practiced inside the school gym.

He had just finished asking her coach if he could borrower her for a minute. The coach looked at him suspiciously, then back at Anne before sighing and agreeing. She warned him he only had a few minutes.

Anne felt embarrassed at how he called her over but she quickly jogged off the court and met with him on the side, of course the whispers of her teammates followed her steps.

"You really don't remember my name?" she snapped at him with her arms crossed.

"Angelica right? Something like that? Anyways, I came to give you some news. Don't know where lover boy's at I passed by his house earlier he wasn't there." Victor proceeded to speak without giving her chance to ask or say anything.

He was very jittery this morning, but he continued to drink his espresso in front of her. He reeked of cigarettes and coffee.

"My teams already been up to speed on this bit, but basically I spoke to the diocese about this uhh Father Beckford guy."

Great he remembers his name, Anne thought as she rolled her eyes but continued to listen.

"He asked for a leave of absence," Victor held up his index finger and narrowed his eyes at Anne, "Apparently saying he needed time to help his family with their business,"

Anne listened intently focusing in on Victors grey dull eyes.

"His family is actually really fucking rich, they run some huge international trades company further north of here. " he waved his hand as though that wasn't the point.

"His father is the CEO." He cleared his throat and took a step closer to Anne focusing in on her face.

"His Father...he's really hard to get a hold of." Victor nodded as he spoke, "I requested a meeting to ask questions about his son and his secretary told me right off the bat that according to Mr.Beckford he stated; Unless his son was a missing person, was found dead or if I have a warrant for his arrest then he wouldn't meet me; a downright asshole!" his last comment rung in the gymnasium and the coach turned around to give him a scowling face.

"Pardon my french," Victor apologized to her.

"But as you have it, he told me a lot by not telling me anything."

Anne squinted at him, "What does that even mean?"

"It means, blondie, that he himself doesn't know where his son is." Victor nodded and took a sip of from his styrofoam cup. "If Father Beckford had gone back to the company and began working with his pops then he wouldn't tell me to only contact him if his son was missing or dead ya know?"

Anne still seemed confused, "But isn't that what the diocese said?"

Victor shrugged, " Yeah, but neither of them seem to know where he's run off to,"

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