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Ambrosia's POV

The sound of the company's boots slapping against the road were all but a distant sound to me, as I glanced back at my homeland one final time. 
Bilbo had stopped a moment before me, to take a final look at the glorious city, his eyes filled with longing. 
I can't say that I don't share the feeling. I miss the days when my mother and I would play hide and seek. And when Adar would take me out in the yard to teach me how to use a bow. I always missed the target back then. But back then, it was all fun and games. Now, there is no time for such childish acts. 

"Be on your guard; we're about to step over the edge of the Wild. Balin, you know these paths; lead on," Thorin warns, before stepping back to allow Balin to the front.

Turning away from the glistening city, I quickly cover my wistful look with a straight face before facing towards the forest yet again. Balin glances back at me, giving me a slightly knowing look. 

After the readings of the runes, Balin had pulled me aside. He had shared some interesting words of wisdom with me, and had proved to me that he, knows what the runes I read mean. In fact, he told me he had suspected that I was the one it was meant for. 
He quickly had became one of the few with whom I trust when he had told me that he would not tell the others. Though, he did advise that I tell them of my past. Sooner than later.

But I do not know when or how I will explain it. Though, if I can avoid it, I will. I will do everything in my power to try and keep it hidden. Though, should I be unable to, Gandalf will be there, ready to end me. 

"Master Baggins, I suggest you keep up," Thorin calls back to Bilbo. Bilbo looks away from the city rather sadly, but follows the group with no protest.

I find myself quite interested in the trees around me as we walk. It's a bit of a distracting sight, if I'm honest. Though, the trees are quite plain, there's a sort of surreality surrounding them. It's as if they're coated in a cloud of memories. 
Glancing to my right, I think, 'That's where Mom and I would sharpen our sword-wielding skills.' A quick look to my left would make me wonder, 'What would Mom think of this tree? Would she think it to be like a hut in the jungle? Or maybe the very top of a pirate's ship?'

My mother was well known for her imagination. Though, that partly was a defence mechanism that her mind had created to keep reality out. 
She wasn't quite insane, though she wasn't normal either. Neither of us were, and I still am not. We never did fit into that comfortable stereotype. But my mother, towards the last year of her life, was known to have been a bit more.. lost, so to speak. 
She would often claim that there was a wolf with bright blue eyes watching her from the patio; one of the teapots talking to her. But I paid no mind to it. It was just her, being her. She was still an amazing person.

Snapping out of my daze, I notice that the group has stopped to set up camp in a secluded part of the forest. Thorin is barking orders to some of the Dwarves, his eyes glancing to me once or twice. 

Leaning up against the nearest tree, I watch him, waiting to be assigned a job of my own. When he finally looks over to me, his eyes show lostness. A familiar look to me, but not on him. He seems lost on what I should do.

"What is it that you wish me to do, Master Oakenshield?" I ask, feeling everyone who wasn't at the meeting last night's eyes on me in shock. Fili groans in the background, muttering, "What has Uncle done this time?" Kili replying with, "When are they....." His voice trails off into a whisper towards the end, but I pay it no mind. 
I keep my eyes on Thorin, an emotionless look on my face. His face shows slight hurt, but it's barely noticeable. Thorin clears his throat before speaking, "Keep watch of the forest." He turns around, sauntering off towards Balin without another word. 
Silently, I reach a hand up, grasping the rough branch above me and pulling myself up. My arm stings a bit as I pull myself up, still not fully healed from the orc that slashed my arm. I lean against the even rougher trunk, my eyes scanning the area around us quietly. Bilbo quietly separates from the rest of the group, awkwardly shuffling towards me. Stopping beneath the tree I'm in and looking up. "Er, Ambrosia?" He calls up.
Tilting my head downwards a bit, I meet eyes with him. "What is it Bilbo?"

Bilbo shifts a little, nervously, before answering, "Can we talk?" Nodding, I reach down and grasp the under of his arm, pulling him up. He protests for a moment before I set him down on the branch beside me. Huffing, he gives me a slightly pitiful excuse for a glare, saying, "You really need to stop doing that." Smirking a little, I turn my back to the trunk of the tree, ignoring his request. 
"What is it you wanted to talk about, Bilbo?" I inquire, the smirk slipping off of my face as I wait for his answer. 
Bilbo looks down at his hands for a moment, clearing his throat a few times before finally looking at me, and quietly whispering, "I- er- heard your conversation with Lord Elrond and Gandalf." 

Slumping a little, I sigh, motioning for him to continue. "You think we might run into him?" Bilbo asks, worry in his eyes. 

Sitting up straight, I let my legs swing down on my sides. Leaning towards him a bit, I place a hand on his shoulder and look him straight in the eyes. "I will not lie to you, Bilbo. I do not doubt that we will meet him on this journey. But when that time comes, I will protect you and the others with my life. You will not fall to his blade Bilbo. This, I swear to you," I assure Bilbo, watching as he slowly becomes a bit more relaxed. Though, I can tell he is still a bit nervous. 

Bilbo shifts a little uncomfortably, and I can feel a pair of eyes on us. Glancing to my left, I see Thorin watching us from afar. He doesn't seem entirely happy with our current position, but I can't fathom why. Taking my hand off of Bilbo's shoulder, I look back over to him, saying, "Don't pay mind to Thorin. From what I can tell, he's just EverythingThatIsn'tADwarfist." I smile a bit at my joke as Bilbo tries to hold back a bit of laughter. Hearing a snort from my right, I look down and see Fili and Kili holding back laughter as well. Seems these two heard me. 
Kili and Fili look a bit red in the face as they hold back their laughter, struggling to do so. Bilbo joining in from beside me. Looking over to my left again, I notice Thorin is watching us all still, with a slightly calmer expression. An expression of... longing? 

I must be mistaken.


Hello My Little Arkenstones! Sorry this chapter is a bit short, but I didn't really know how to make this chapter. It took me all week to figure out this chapter, and I still think I'm missing something. However, next chapter will be back on the storyline, so it should be much longer.

And the week after that.... Well, you'll just have to wait to find out!

Thank you for reading and remember to:

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