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Hello there it is now the time to wattpad something dumb.

1. If you stare at a mirror for a complete eight hours with a bit of blinking magic appears. (Probably.)

2. Cats have two sides a ying and a yang located in parts of the body you pet.

3. If you fall off a bike in your childhood and remember you did you will be embarrased.

4. Paris in the dummy's dummy has a metal jaw. (Holy frick I thought he was a human sized dummy.)

5. Whenever you take a bath in a very big bathroom somehow you feel like someone is watching you.

6. Introverts loves extroverts who knows how to take care of them.

7. Running around with closed eyes makes you scared.

8. If you turn around you get scared.

9. Are you still there?

10. If you are with people can you go to a place where no one is there please?

11. You're a coward are you?

12. Is there a cieling?

13. Are there walls?

14. Is there only one door?

15. Lock it now.

16. Oopsies.

17. Can you say your name six times please?

18. Can you stay in the spot you are please?

19. Can you hear something?

20. Do you hear something?

21. Can you tell if theres something wrong with this?

22. Can you say your name six times again please?

23. Wait is there a window in there?

24. Can you lock the window if theres one?

25. Or are you outside?

26. Quick get inside a car or anything!

27. Stay hidden.

28. Can you say your name six times again?

29. Are you saying it correctly?

30. Woah.

31. Woah.

32. Be quite now.

33. Wait is it night time?

34. Or is it day time?

35. If its night time can you see movements?

36. If its day time can you see movements?

37. Oh golly gee.

38. Close your eyes for thirty eight seconds please?

39. Did you hear it moving?

40. No?

41. Dont be scared of it.

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