Chapter 51

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"Mr. Kim, how long have you known the defendant?" Mr. Chyeong questions Taehyung and his signature boxy smile shows.

"Ever since she moved to Korea, we were in the same classes together ever since."

"How old are you now, Mr. Kim?"


"So you've known each other for over 9 years?"


"How long have you been dating Miss Sullivan?"

Taehyung scrunches up his face as he thinks, he looks over at CiCi and a playful grin grows, "Our 4 year anniversary will be in December."

"So you've been with her for a relatively long time?"


"How long have you been helping Miss Sullivan with kidnapped victims?"

"Almost three years, I found out what she was doing when she came to school one day with new bruises and a black eye. She told me about Mr. Lee." Taehyung's expression changes and he takes in a deep breath, "At first I thought she was being mistreated by our classmates, but when she told me about how she saved those two girls and how Mr. Lee attacked her. I felt like I needed to protect her, I felt awful that she was hurt like that. She told her parents that she was just being bullied, which wasn't a lie. She was being bullied.. she just.. didn't tell the whole truth."

"So you agree to Miss Sullivan being a compulsive liar?"

"Do not put words in my mouth." Taehyung snaps, "I never said anything of the sort, I do not appreciate you trying to manipulate what I say to your advantage. I say what I say, and mean what I say."

Mr. Chyeong looks shocked at how Taehyung responded to his accusations, "You really do care for Miss Sullivan, don't you?"

"With all my being." Taehyung relaxes back in his seat, "I'd lay my life down for her, she knows that. She doesn't like it, but she can't stop me."

"Would you ever... lie for her, Mr. Kim?"

"Now that all depends on the situation," Taehyung hunches over the stand and presses his fingertips together, "Here in court? No, I would never lie for her. But out there in the streets, if some random guy came up to me and asked if I knew her whereabouts or if I've ever seen her, I would lie. If I had the sense of danger I would lie. Here, I have no reason to, I have nothing to hide and neither does CiCi."

"Just to clarify, you said you would lie for Miss Sullivan?"

"If the circumstances forces me to." Taehyung drawls out and Mr. Chyeong smirks.

"Would Miss Sullivan ever lie for you?"

"You'll have to ask her that yourself, I can't answer for her."

"I see, but she can answer for you?"

Taehyung stirs in his seat, "I don't know what you mean."

"Well it's apparent who runs this operation, I wouldn't be surprised if Miss Sullivan lied on your name to save her own hide."

"You take that back you miserable piece of—"

"Mr. Kim," the judge glares down at the young man, "I'd advise you to control your temper."

"My apologies, your honor, but I don't appreciate how Mr. Chyeong is being disrespectful towards Miss Sullivan." Taehyung looks up at the judge with a softened gaze before he looks back to the attorney.

"Now like I was saying, Miss Sullivan seems to be the brains of this operation, which makes you the brawn. You seem like a strong young man, and you have no reason to go against Miss Sullivan's word, you love this girl, do you not?"

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