"What A Geek"

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Crystal Jessica Bourne

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Crystal Jessica Bourne

Matthew Turner "The Geek"

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Matthew Turner "The Geek"

Natania "The hot black girl" but not as hot as Crystal

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Natania "The hot black girl" but not as hot as Crystal

Natania "The hot black girl" but not as hot as Crystal

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Sam "The dumb blonde" or is she????

Antonio "The sexy Mexican - Portuguese Dude"

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Antonio "The sexy Mexican - Portuguese Dude"

Brad "Your typical Jock-Captain of the football team"

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Brad "Your typical Jock-Captain of the football team"

Brad "Your typical Jock-Captain of the football team"

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Zack "Crystal's flames boyfriend"

Kevin "Matthew's Asian best friend"

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Kevin "Matthew's Asian best friend"

Kevin "Matthew's Asian best friend"

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Tiffany "Crystal's best friend"

"Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz",  Deep into my  slumber.

Two minutes later a loud noise hit my ear drums like nothing I have ever heard before. It sounded like it came from my counter.
"Prrrrrrrrrrrrrr" rang the loud alarm clock. "Ahhggg, Why does school exist! " moaned Crystal while awaking from a ten hour slumber, but to her it felt like two hours.
It was school after a long but very enjoyable summer holiday, and Crystal was dreading to wake up and begin her senior year.

"CRYSTAL! Wake up, it's almost time for you to go to school!" Yelled Marry, my beloved yet Hoe-is mother.When I say Hoe-is I mean my mother sleeps around with alot of men,multiple times, and I'm always home when my mother is having sex with someone and I  can hear EVERYTHING!

Anyway, I'm Crystal Jessica Bourne. The most bad and hottest  girl in  my high school. Everybody fears me(and I kinda love it).

I basically rule that school, even the teachers fears me.

When talking to me you address me by "Miss". Only my closest friends, Natania, Zachariah (but we call him Zach) BTDbz he's my hot Boyfriend, Tiffany, Sam, Antonio, and Brad call me Crystal.

The ONE and most IMPORTANT rule in Jenkins high (name of my high school) is "NEVER CROSS CRYSTAL"

I have a feeling I'm about to rock this year.

Keep Reading lovelys 😘

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