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Personal for akhloe90.

As I closed my locker, I got pushed up against it. "Oops, sorry, my bad." Sophia said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and headed to my next class.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" Sophia called and she came after me. "No, you're being a bitch to me! I'm not listening-" Sophia then grabbed my arm, "don't ever talk to me like that again, or it'll be the last thing you ever do!"


So, it took me longer than usual to get home, well, limp home, Sophia being the main reason.

I was finally in the view of the house, letting out a groan when I saw the car that was parked outside, Katie, Sophia's sister, who's also Niall's girlfriend.

I entered the house, Harry sending me a smile, but it dropped when he noticed the way I was walking. "Sophia?" He mouthed, knowing her well as her sister was the same. I nodded, shaking my head and rolling my eyes when Katie came into view.

"Aww, what happened?" Katie asked, sounding fake, faker than she already is. "Your Bitch of a sister happened!" I spat in reply, Katie's eyes darkening but going back to normal when Niall stormed through, an angered look on his face. "Who the hell do you think you're talking to?!" He asked, eyes darkened as he looked at me.

"Niall, lay off her-" "NO! I'm sick of you two always bitching about Katie and her sister! They have done nothing wrong but you two-Why do you always have to be so horrible?" He asked and stormed off, Katie smirking before walking away.


The next day, I knew for a fact I'm going to get pulled up so I decided to hide a little camera in the necklace that Harry got me for my birthday.


During the school day, Sophia didn't come near me, and I'm confused, but don't really give it much thought but that's was until the end of the day, Sophia pushing me into a corner and Katie right behind her.

"If you ever talk to my sister and me like that again, it won't just be you we hurt!"


Black eye, bloody nose, bruised wrists, bruised cheek. They did this, but one thing they didn't know was that I've recorded the whole thing.

"What happened to you?" Niall asked as I walked in. "Oh, my god!" Harry called, running towards me as he took my into the kitchen to clean me up.

"What happened?" Niall asked again, following us into the kitchen. I took my necklace off. "I have a camera installed in this necklace, this explains everything, if you don't believe me, I'm sure you'll believe me now." I explained, handing Niall the necklace.


A few days have past and Katie just let herself in. "I've been texting and calling you, why have you been avoiding me?" She asked, standing in front of the television. "Get out of the way." Niall said, his voice monotone. "Niall, tell me what I've done!" Katie said, huffing.

"My sister is covered in bruises because of your sister and you! Do you feel confident when you do that? Do you feel pride when you push down a little girl who's younger than you? Bring down not only my sister but also my brother? People like you make me sick! Bully's make me sick! Now, get out of my sight, out of my house and out of my life! I never want to see you again! We're finished!" Niall spat, Katie shocked so she said nothing and walked out.

"I'm sorry, I should've believed you from the start. You're getting out of that school, and I'm letting no one bother you again. I'll make sure of it."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2018 ⏰

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