No Man's Land

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Tonight was a boring night for Midoriya. It was Saturday and here he was sprawled on his couch drinking soda while watching some crappy tv show.
He didn't have anyone to spend the night with, nor he did have a girlfriend or a boyfriend.
He felt a quite alone.
Watching out of the window he saw all the shining light of the Tokyo night: wonderful scenario if you have someone to share it with.
He got up from the couch and walked near the window admiring the lights and the little chaos roaring from the streets.
It was a soothing sound for a city lower as he was: it was like all those light meant something to him.
The red light of the ramen station was asking him to go eat some ramen inside.
The yellow light of a dress shop was calling him to go out.
Everything was so tempting during the night.

It was not so much later that he spotted a light , a neon light, he never spotted before
"It must be a now shop" he thought while scratching his chin.
There was this huge sign saying "No man's land - Bar".
"What a strange name for a bar" he thought again.
But something about the name was quite alluring, he must say: he felt he didn't have any connection with the rest of the world and the name "No Man's land" seemed so fitting for him.
And idea was popping up in his head: he wanted to go in there.
Was it still open though? He could read those thing from his home.
Well the only thing he could do was to dress up and go find out.

-Time skip to the Bar--------------

Here he was: a huge door was in front of him and a man (even bigger) was at it's side.
The man approached him letting Midoriya know he was a bouncer and after verifying he didn't have any sharp object or even worse guns ect he let him in.
The light were dim and changed colour rapidly following the sound of the music that was blasting through the speakers.

It Was an unusual place to find Midoriya in as he was an humble and quite introverted man. But tonight he didn't know why something was calling him to do things he never dared to do.
Certainly he had already drink and obviously he already went to a discotheque.

At first he was lost in those sea of bodies dancing, he thought as if there was no place for him. No one really belonged Here, in the No Man's land.
He spotted a barstool and feeling his mouth dry he approached it making his way through the dancefloor bumping here and there into the bodies.
Once he arrived he made himself comfortable by sitting on a chair. He tried to act casual but he must confess he was a little nervous.

"What I'm doing here" he thought to himself loosening his necktie.

The barista spotted him and went straight to him
"What do you want to order?"
Midoriya didn't expect a sudden voice to call out to him so he jumped a little.
"Here we go, already embarrassing myself"

"A strong one please."
He was so stressed he needed something to clear his mind.
The barista nodded and went to prepare his cocktail.
Midoriya turned to focus on the dancing crowd thinking about how a person could loose himself so freely. He was always so composed, so self aware...

A voice, again, startled him but this time wasn't the barista.
A young man, near his age he may think,
"And quite hot" he thought, approached him.
He had different hair colour that splitted right in the half of his head.
"An unique match" he must say.

"I don't want to intrude but I noticed you are here all alone, am I right...?"
He waited to know his name.
"Midoriya" he said and then added "unfortunately I'm not fond of people, I would like some company though"

Midoriya took a sip of the freshly made drink and it was strong. Just how he liked it.

"Name's is Todoroki, you can call me Shoto" Midoriya nodded. The man sitted next to him ordering a drink for himself.
"Well Midoriya" Shoto proceed to say
"What are you doing in a place like this? You don't seem the type"
He nodded
"Indeed I'm not the type, but sometimes you gotta do wild thing" he laughed at the end, as if going to a bar could be a wild thing.

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