Chapter 4

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New update yay

Ryan's p.o.v

After sending the text to Charlie, i hugged a few more fans before going to look for her.

I pushed my way through loads of fans, which was really hard as they were all stopping me to take pictures, and I obviously did because my fans mean the world to me and I wouldn't be where I am today without them. But I still wanted to go find Charlie, I eventually got through the crowd and I saw her sitting beside her friend Lea. Even the back of Charlie is beautiful, I know I only met her today but, I just want to be with her.

I made my way over to where the girls were sitting, Lea saw me first and was about to say something, i held my finger to my lips signalling her to stop, she rolled her eyes at this and spoke anyway, getting up and coming to stand beside me.

"Hey Ryan! Why'd you come back? Did you miss me??" she linked her arm in my own and continued smiling at me, I think she was flirting but I couldn't help but look at Charlie. She was staring at Lea with a hurt expression.

"Hey, Lea wasn't it"

"Yeah that's me" she giggled, me returning a smile.

"Well as much as I uh missed you I actually came to find Charlie" I untangled my arm from Lea's, Lea looking shocked at what I had said whilst Charlie was smiling at her feet, I could tell she was trying not to laugh at her friend's rejection.

I walked over closer to Charlie, who now looked up at me smiling. Her smile was stunning, it was beautiful.

"Ugh well I'm going to go find Ollie" Lea whined

"okay" Charlie and I spoke at the same time, watching Lea storm away into the crowd.

"What was that about??" I asked

"That's just Lea, she's probably annoyed that you didn't pay her that much attention. She's used to boys falling at her feet" I saw sadness slowly creep on to Charlie's face but she quickly shook it off, but I could tell that she was upset by the fact her friend got so many guys, but I ignored it because I certainly did not want the friend in this case.

"Anywaayy. You found me!!!" she laughed.

I stood up and raised my arms in victory, making her laugh even more. Her laugh was perfect and what made it so much better was that I had caused her laughter.

Lea's p.o.v

I can't believe Ryan just embarrassed me like that. How dare he reject me in front of my friend and then stay with her. seriously! What a dick! 

I stormed off looking for Ollie, I figured I stood the best chance with him at the minute seeing as he had broken up with his girlfriend AGAIN, he was an easy target and let's face it I was definitely in there already. I pushed through countless fans gaining dirty looks from quite a few of them. I didn't even care.

I saw Ollie straight ahead, I ran up to him and kissed him, leaving the other boys and surrounding fans standing in complete shock.

At first Ollie was shocked but eventually relaxed and kissed back. I wrapped my arms around his neck whilst he placed his hands on my waist. His left hand slowly traced up my side, before stopping on my breast. His tongue made its way across my lip seeking entrance and as i was about to let it enter my mouth, one of the other boys cleared their throats, causing us both to pull away. After pulling away i realized it was Andy that cleared his throat.

"hi" Ollie mumbled

"Hi" I Smiled, before giving him a peck on his lips and standing to the side.

Here's chapter 4 I hope you like it. Please vote and leave your comments on what you think of this so far :) I know these chapters are short at the minute but they will get longer over time when I get more into the story :)  byeee

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