Chapter 4 "Starting Today, You're are a member of White Eskimo!"

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Chapter 4

"And over here to your left is St. Luke's Church," Jonathan pointed at the sacred building.

"So what do people our age do to have fun around here?' I asked.

Jonathan stopped for a moment as he rubbed his hand behind his head,

"Well most people go to the pub and get themselves a drink or two or three or four."

"What?" I was shocked and Jonathan just realized some of the cultural differences between Europe and America.

"Oh that's right!" He began. "The legal drinking age at the states is 21, right?"

"Uh... yeah."

I was shocked. Teenagers drink in Europe? I had absolutely no idea. I'm not judging but I guess I'm not used to have such mature privileges. I don't drink at all. I have a pretty good reason why I don't allow such poison inside my body.

When I was fifteen, I had a boyfriend. His name was Alexander. He had dirty blond hair and chocolate brown eyes. He had pierced ears but they were black studs, not those crazy tapers or plugs that stretch your earlobes out. His body was somewhat athletic. His arms were well toned and he had a 1000-watt smile that made my cheeks go red every time. He played the guitar and sang for his band. Oh how much I loved his voice. He would sing to me with his acoustic guitar during school lunches. He was just incredibly perfect. To describe him in just one word, it would have to be perfect.

One day Alexander invited me to his band's gig. It was the very important Battle of the Bands and I was his good luck charm if I was there. He was running late and so I called him. The phone was ringing for the longest 10 seconds of my life. It went straight to voice-mail. I called him again the second time. The phone rang and went straight to voice-mail. This pattern kept on repeating as I started to get more worried. Alexander's band were starting to get worried too. Finally my phone rang from Alexander's mom and I pick it up with no hesitation.

"Hello Mrs. Williams? What happened?" I asked. The hard lump in my throat made it almost impossible to speak.

"Serena," she paused. "Alex is... Alex is dead!" I heard her bawling continuously over the phone.

Alex is dead kept repeating in my mind as hot tears flooded my cheeks.

"He was hit." Mrs. Williams was trying to get her words together. "He was hit by a drunk driver who ran a red light!"

"Alex!" I screamed. My knees fell to the floor as my heart aches for him. I cried for a whole week and I couldn't control my tears during his funeral. He was definitely my first love.

"Serena! Why are you crying?" Jonathan pulled me out of my thoughts.

"It's a long story Jonathan." I wiped the small tear away from from my face.

"I've got plenty of time in the world."

I explained to him about what happened with Alexander. Sympathy for me was expressing every time I choked on my words.

"I'm am so terribly sorry for you loss Serena! I had absolutely no idea! I feel like such an ass right now!" he exclaimed.

"It's fine." I flashed a small smile. "I'm sure Alex wants me to be here and explore many places in this world."

"So you like music huh?" Jonathan asked.

"Yep and I love seeing local bands."

"Let's meet my friend Will! He's part of the local band White Eskimo."

"White Eskimo?" I asked.

"I know it's a weird name but Will is one of my best mates! You'll love him." He smiled.

"Lead the way John-O!"

He led me to a garage and banged very loudly on the door.

"What mate!" Another boy around my age came out and the garage door slowly opened revealing what I believed to be White Eskimo.

"Hey Will! This is my new American friend Serena and she loves music." Jonathan cheered.

Will looked over at me while flipping and catching his drumsticks. "What kind of music?"

"Well everything but I'm not really a big fan of rap. I really love rock music." I answered.

"Favorite band?" Will asked.

Am I in an interview or something, I thought. It feels like a test, like a mother is trying to get to know her son's date before letting them both go.

"All Time Low most definitely."

"Sing for me." That didn't sound like a question from Will. It sounded more like a command.

I took a deep breath. I don't have any friends here yet except for Jonathan. It'll be nice to know a few more people. Knowing a local band seems cool, even cooler if they become famous.

"Oh the wheel in the sky keeps on turnin'. Oh I don't know where I be tomorrow." I sang and then Will stopped me.

"Nobody can sing Journey that good." He was shocked.

"I play a little bit of guitar too." I added. Before Alexander death, he taught me almost everything he knew about playing guitar.

Other band members of White Eskimo looked at me then back at Will. I guess he was the leader of the group.

"Serena," Will started. "Starting today, you're a member of White Eskimo!"

Say what now?

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