It Ends Here

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Blue's POV

I stood up slowly, my heart beating terribly fast as I reached down and yanked up a discombobulated Katrina Justice.

Dust was coating her beautiful curls, and is powdered over her skin as her eyes rolled around like marbles in her skull.

I won't lie.

We took a real hit.

I had dove through my stainless, thick cut, glass windows specially imported from Italy, and had just barely caught this dumbass before she had gone flying out of the side of the building.

My fucking building.

Could I truly never have nice things?

The fucking glass itself was expensive as hell, I had all my shit imported!

I don't even want to fucking think about the fucking computers and desks that I'm going to have to replace.

Or the fucking cost to rebuild my shit back up.

Can't have fucking nice things.

And what the fuck is up with all these assholes coming to my fucking building just to destroy shit?

Have these bitches never heard of a fucking empty field.

Katrina groaned as she leaned against my chest, "did a building just fucking fall on us?" she muttered in surprise.

Pony stood up from next to her.

Yeah, I grabbed his dumbass as well.

Surrounded by fucking dumbasses.


"Fucking awesome" Pony chuckled, looking just as out of it as this curly haired dumbass. 

There was a loud collective gasp that had me looking over at a band of fucking misfits, staring at the three of us like we were the second coming. 

I grabbed Katrina around her waist, then Pony who was much, much larger than he had ever been (a problem for another time, apparently) and hauled both their asses out of the rubble. 

I glided through the air before coming down into the grassland right in front of a shaking Aria. 

She rushed us first, her large stomach bouncing into us as she wrapped her arms as tight as she could around Katrina, Pony, and I. 

I glared down at her little brown head, before looking up and glaring at my younger brother. 

He knew she shouldn't be here. 

He fucking knew that she was carrying the next of our line and she had no place in shit show. 

He winced, knowing I was going to embed the heel of my foot into his left testicle when we got home. 

If we got home. 

I scanned over our new surroundings. 

And shit wasn't looking too good. 

We were in a huge opening of land, humidity choking the air around us, and huge trees that would nearly be as tall as my once beautiful built fucking expensive building stood. 

Forgive me, I'm still processing that my office building is no longer standing and no longer in the middle of my fucking city. 

Deep fucking breaths. 

I dropped Katrina down onto her face, while Aria continued to sob hysterically, "Aria if you continue to cry, I'm not going to be happy" I choked out, trying desperately not to tell my pregnant sister that she needed to shut up so I could think. 

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