Chapter 48 - Before God

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"They say that rain on  your wedding day is good luck," James said as he watched Elizabeth stand by the doorway of their room in her wedding dress, her veil covering her face. He even had the time to fix her some fresh flowers.

It was cold and raining really hard, huge droplets of rain fell from the grey black sky.

In the living room James had prepared a small table with wine and bread, he covered the floor with flower petals so that she would feel as though she were walking down an aisle to him.

Today would be the day he takes his lovely bride as his wife.

Elizabeth was covered head to toe, in the the long sleeved dress up to her neck, it was heavy and dragged a bit across the floor; the thick veil hid her face.

She was shaking, and not just because of the coldness of the day but because of what the rest of her days would look like after she married.

She walked towards him and the table slowly, one step at a time taking in deep breaths, but each breath she inhaled through her nose was exhausting.

James took hold of her hand realizing that Elizabeth was trembling, her eyes were wide underneath her veil. More than sorrow, she was terrified as to what was to night. Their first night as husband and wife.

James prepared the wine and bread, blessing it as he had done for so many masses.

He gave the cup to his bride to drink from it first, she sipped the wine through her veil. The bitterness of the alcohol made her throat burn. He did the same with the bread and once they had finished he took hold of both her hands and began his vows.

"Elizabeth Satti...I take my wife. From this day forward...for all the days of my life....I will love, honor and cherish God as my witness. In the name of the Father...Son...and Holy Spirit...amen."

He took a small plain silver ring and slid it onto her tiny finger. It fit perfectly, Elizabeth looked at it her heart felt like shattering when she remembered the ring Zach had gotten her. How much it meant to both of them, the innocent love they shared together.

She never saw it again.

Now on her finger was anothers ring, with another promise.

"Elizabeth, now before God accept me as your husband. From this day forward, for all the days of your life."

His eyes peered into her face, although the thick veil kept her face slightly hidden he could still see her worried face, her green eyes wavered as though she was holding back from falling to pieces.

"Elizabeth..." James repeated her name, tantalizing her. He leaned closer to her timid face. He took hold of her chin and lifted it up towards him, his gaze burned into her.

She couldn't tell if he was smirking, or serious or angry. But the way his eyes penetrated her was frightening. He had already  threatened her, and his life along with the house, if she did not agree.

There was no way out of it.

Through her teeth she accepted, "I...accept you."

"Before God," James corrected her.

Elizabeth swallowed hard but her mouth felt dry," I ..accept you... as my husband....before God."

"Through the power of the priesthood imbedded in me, I consecrate our marriage. As God as our witness, our souls now belong to each other Elizabeth..." James lifted her veil, he was smirking.

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