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Seth P.o.v
I woke up in the morning and took a shower got dressed then i remembered what I said to myself
I needed to tell her that but I can't but I have to tell when i see her today
With that i pack up my bags then my phone rang
It's Xavier
Hey buddy I said
Hey Seth can you come
To UpUpDownDown he said
Anytime man you know I love that i said
Thanks he said
My pleasure I said
I walked out of my room and made my way to the parking lot when i saw alexa
Hey lexi i shouted
Oh my God who is this she said turning around
Man You scared the hell out of me she said
Oh I am sorry i didn't mean that i said
It's ok what you want she said
I wanted to talk about something i said actually I want to say something to you I said
Ok spoke up then she said
I....I.....I was about to say when Paige and Nia and Mike rome came behind her
Damn it Bad timing guyz my mind said
Thank you Thank YOU guyz she said hugging them
HAPPY birthday Lexi I said
Oh Thanks she said
She hugged me and I hugged her back
They started talking when alexa said
Hey seth i completely forgot you wanna say something to me What is it she asked
I.....I i said
I what seth she said
It's nothing I said
No it's something now tell me she said
It doesn't matter lexi i said
It does matter to me she said
I... I was going to UpUpDownDown after so if you wanna come I said
That's it she said
Yeah i say
And you were like you gonna say I love You to me she said
Yeah real funny lexi i said
I know she said smiling
Okay then see ya after Raw bye i said
Bye Seth she said

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