Chapter XVI - Snowstorm

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(Y/n) woke up to find herself not in the same position she fell asleep in at all. Instead of facing the fire pit, she was practically snuggled up into the fetal position against Bakugou's warm chest with his long muscular arms caging her in and bringing her closer to him. She opened her eyes and was met by Bakugou's peaceful sleeping expression. No scowl, no furrowed brows, no narrowed eyes, no pout or frown of any kind. Just, peaceful.

Her gaze shifted from looking at his closed eyes down to his slightly parted lips. "His lips look really enticing right now..." She thought to herself.

A couple seconds later, shivers shook all throughout her body. She didn't know if it was the fact it got significantly colder overnight, or the fact that she was staring at his lips and was thinking about how badly she wanted to kiss him in that moment.

And she was seriously considering it too, as she didn't even realize she was slowly inching closer to his face while still staring at his lips. It was only when their faces were mere centimeters apart that Bakugou opened his eyes. Both of their eyes widened as they took in the extremely short distance between them. A blush took over their faces as they separated at the speed of light; moving at least five feet away from each other.

(Y/n) glanced up with her shy (e/c) eyes at the three still sleeping soundly figures in front of her and audibly let out a sigh of relief.

"I-I'm going to find some more wood for the fire. It got cold as fuck overnight." (Y/n) heard Bakugou say as he quickly got up and ventured into the woods in search of small branches and twigs. The morning light rays that filtered through the trees provided Bakugou with enough light so he could easily see any twigs he could pick up.

(Y/n) didn't look up at him nor say anything to him as he passed by her. She just continued to stare at the ashes of last night's died out fire.

Just a few seconds after Bakugou was just out of earshot, the trio had awoken. They lazily rubbed the sleep out if their eyes as they rose. Uraraka was the first to notice (y/n) the way she was, followed closely by Midoriya, and then Iida. Uraraka tilted her head curiously at the girl who looked like she was trying to make herself as small as possible.

"Are you okay (y/n)-chan?" The pink cheeked female asked her.

(Y/n) hesitantly looked up and saw three sets of curious eyes looking back at her.

"Yeah I just... Have a lot on my mind I guess..." (Y/n) quietly replied.

Midoriya got up to scoot next to (y/n), putting a gentle hand on her upper back. "Anything you want to talk about?"

Iida and Uraraka got up from their spots as well to join Midoriya.

(Y/n) heavily sighed. "Just... Promise you guys won't tell Bakugou...."

The three looked at each other before looking back at (y/n) and nodding. "You have our word," Iida reassured.

(Y/n) sighed once more. "I didn't go purposefully looking for him... Hell I didn't even know someone like him existed. A-and at first he just seemed like a rude egotistical asshole who could've left me to go off on his own... But he didn't. We spent so much time together depending on each other and saving the other's ass once or twice, I just can't help but feel sad thinking about what we're gonna do once he finds his dragon... What I'm gonna do. It's just... Our back stories are sorta similar and we seem to just click so easily... Is it foolish to say that I don't want him to leave?..."

Uraraka put her own gentle hand on (y/n)'s shoulder. "Of course not. It's only natural to feel something towards the person you spent so much time with. But (y/n)-chan... If you really feel this strongly about Bakugou-san then go tell him... Especially before you'll regret it,"

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